What GIVE.asia Gives

Blog | Free Crowdfunding in Asia | GIVE.asia
5 min readMay 14, 2017

On a mission to unlock the world’s generosity, GIVE.asia’s team of global volunteers have created a platform to make giving simple. Here are 3 things GIVE.asia gives that makes it an effective platform for social enterprises, socially impactful non-profits, and individuals to give, and to receive.

Observing the collection of GIVE.asia campaigns on their website, one can see that Asians are not a tight-fisted bunch. Instead, people in Asia are willing to share what they have, offering time, resources, and encouragement to help a person or community in need endure a rough patch.

What makes GIVE.asia tick? The big-heartedness of people behind the screens is certainly a significant factor. And, GIVE.asia’s platform has found the key to unlock this communal generosity: transparency. Transparency builds trust between givers, recipients, and the team, spurring on a culture of trust.

1. It Gives a Human Face to Those in Need.

GIVE.asia’s platform allows donors to see the needs, through authentic stories; to be encouraged to take the first step in a warm community of fellow users; and to also be part of witnessing movements seen through to completion.

Authentic stories help those with resources develop empathy for those in need, and helps them feel connected to a community of fellow givers. Personal stories and pictures of the individuals and communities tug at the heart, giving donors a compelling reason to give. Furthermore, the intimate medium of technology allows donors to gain access to the specifics of those in need — both the what, and the why. In A Mother’s Plea to Save her Son (https://give.asia/movement/help_syaqir_fight_sepsis_1), a mother shares her heartfelt Mother’s Day wish to raise sufficient funds to foot her son’s medical bills for the life-threatening condition of Sepsis. In Stand up for Our Hawkers (https://give.asia/movement/stand_up_for_our_hawkers), the online community was catalysed to restore the stores and livelihood of hawkers affected by a fire in Jurong West. These stories of ordinary people who run into unfortunate, often unforeseen, disruptive situations, remind the rest of us that such a plight could happen to anyone. And it gives us perspective to give, while we have the means and strength to do so.

Comments from others in the community also bolsters a sense of a collective community of generous givers. This encourages those who intend to give, to take the first step, with proof that they are not alone. Small acts of verbal encouragement — a small “Jia you!” (Chinese for “Keep going!”) to the fundraisers, or words of hope to the recipients — allow a bystander to vicariously participate in a movement of kindness and generosity of spirit.

GIVE.asia’s simple, mobile-friendly platform builds on the momentum of the community, allowing the intention to give to be followed up on. Through a seamless process, GIVE.asia’s donors can give at their own convenience. Better still, they can experience an instant sense of reward, seeing how their contribution adds to the sum that others have already given.

With GIVE.asia, stories of those in need are told with dignity, those who give are encouraged in a like-minded virtual community, and organisers, users and recipients alike can collectively observe the progress of the campaign and celebrate its completion. It provides a win-win-win for all who participate.

2. It Gives the Speed of Tech with a Human Touch.

GIVE.asia’s platform’s efficient, technology-driven service, backed by the team’s human touch, is what makes it a trustworthy platform for organisations and donors alike.

With IT, GIVE.asia is able to automate and accelerate the process of replying courteously to donors. “We don’t need to check and privately reply people whenever they donate,” shared Nafiz, founder of Happy People Helping People (HPHP). The independent non-profit, which uses the platform to collect funds to provide for Singapore’s elderly box collectors on a monthly basis, is able to provide recognition and reward for those who participate in the act of giving.

By posting receipts on HPHP ‘s Facebook page, the organisation can help its donor the community feel acknowledged, and part of the process of building towards a bigger cause. Furthermore, the amount raised and how much more is needed is visible to all who contribute. This transparency helps to give each person involved a personal sense of fulfillment in fuelling the movement’s success.

Responsiveness from GIVE.asia is not limited to the technology front — it also extends to the personal touch from the GIVE.asia team. The team’s people-oriented service helps those working to crafting campaigns to get stories out effectively. Community Champion of social enterprise Jaga-Me, Japhia Yeo, found that GIVE.asia’s tips on crafting a compelling campaign (https://give.asia/movement/grant_their_final_wish_to_be_home_with_their_families) were helpful. In addition, Japhia noted that GIVE.asia’s features helps their cause to gain public attention over the long haul. GIVE.asia’s service-oriented culture, like the online platform itself, is personal, transparent, and real. The combination of the team and their technology produce a sense of genuine commitment to following through on their gift to persons in need, involving the community in the process all along the way.

3. It Gives A Credible Platform, And Incredible Opportunities to Contribute.

Since launching in 2010, GIVE.asia has gained credibility with the organisations it has worked with. To date, over 250 local charities have come on board the platform, ten times the figure of 25 in the organisation’s humble beginnings in 2010. To date, it has raised over SGD17 million for nearly 105, 000 people and organisations: and counting.

The credibility of the platform enables even individuals to mobilise others to be generous through their personal fundraising projects. “Using GIVE.asia provides my donors hassle free service and confidence to donate due to its trustable website and charities that it supports” said Jeremy Tong, who combines his skills and passions in scaling mountains with a desire to raise awareness for Colon-Rectal and Breast Cancer (https://give.asia/movement/everest_for_cancer_2017).

Jeremy calls himself “an ordinary boy with an extraordinary dream”. Stories like Jeremy’s show us that we do not need superhuman abilities to give. The platform provides the everyman with an incredible opportunity to contribute — if he is willing to apply part of himself to a bigger dream. (After all, GIVE.asia’s movement began with a team of enterprising students while they were still in university!)

GIVE.asia’s platform demonstrates the simplicity of giving. And it also empowers those behind the screen who give to others campaigns, that they too can begin their own story of giving. And perhaps it is this gift of a generous spirit that is GIVE.asia’s best contribution of all.

The Gift that Keeps on Giving

Generosity keeps us in touch with ourselves — and being in touch with individuals who live generous lives inspires even greater giving. “If you have the ability to help someone, do it,” said GIVE.asia users Helping Joy’s Steven and Irene.

The online platform contributes to a culture of generosity simply with its existence. With GIVE.asia, individuals, socially impactful non-profits, and social enterprises alike turn to the platform for its ease of use, personalised quality service, and credibility. Best of all, it is free.

Why not try giving on GIVE.asia today?




Blog | Free Crowdfunding in Asia | GIVE.asia

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