Givgive Home Online

The functionality of the Product

6 min readNov 23, 2017


All Home Items in Your Pocket

We have already told you the whole story about Givgive project, but haven’t yet given the details of most importance. And now I’m going to open something unbelievable and amazing, the heart of our project. It’s something beyond you, it’s a must-see thing.


Let’s start with a simple example. Now please remind of how many books, DVDs and CDs you have, left lying around your apartment, but you still can’t get rid of them and make yourself throw them away? I think everyone has ever faced it. There are dozens of DVDs collecting dust on my personal shelves at home, though I haven’t used them for at least 10 years, as almost all videos are now available online. And all that stuff is left useless, not bringing any profit to the owner, but it obviously could be helpful to someone else.

All that stuff is left useless, not bringing any profit to the owner, but it obviously could be helpful to someone else.

Before you pretend an imaginary Home Online in your mind, let’s play all the scenarios of using items in everyday big city life. Living in small towns and large megapolises, we face the number of problems and questions of owning all our material values. They are of the following:

  1. Our items are a mess. We often don’t even remember what we have and what we lack;
  2. or we know what we have, but don’t know where to put it all;
  3. or yet one more question where to take money for the item we lack?
  4. and how to quickly find a certain item for a special date, e.g. a tent, a camera or a character costume for a party?
  5. How to organize all items in order them to bring profit?
  6. Who are all those people living in our housing complex?
  7. What is the name of a guy living behind the wall?
  8. How to find my cat that ran away again?
  9. How do I know about the emergency situations in my neighborhood?
What is the name of a guy living behind the wall?

I suppose each of you has ever asked yourself at least a couple of the above mentioned questions. So, what is the solution? We offer you a personal well-organized and comfortable Home Online!

What is GivgivevHome Online

Givgive is World’s first Home Online. We created a new approach of owning. We believe that items can unite people!

One more simple example: an old friend of yours invited you to go on a hike for a weekend. You haven’t seen each other for ages, and hiking would be great for both of you. But there’s a problem: you don’t have a tent, a penknife and a warm waistcoat, and you didn’t plan to spend several spare hundreds of dollars for just a couple of days. Where to find everything? You parents live 300 miles away from you, and your best friend wears size S as long as you are XL. Going on a hike can turn to a real problem, but wait. Seems like your neighbor is wearing XL and you obviously saw him wearing a warm waistcoat just a couple of days ago! He looks like a hiking amateur, so maybe…? And what if he asks for something in exchange? What if I take his hiking stuff, he asks to give him my Xbox for a weekend? Refusing means regarding him as a cheater, but if I agree, we both win! Me — making use of warm waistcoat and penknife, him — having fun playing Xbox with his friends! Perfect match!

Connecting people, we create comfortable conditions for mutual consumption of items and services. It’s a free and easy way to make the real life better. Giving access to the digital world of items, we help to build up a new level of unity, communication and help among all people. Items unite, so do their owners.

You are no more limited by the walls of your apartment with a definite number of items. We open up a new marketplace of items and resources where anyone can get what he needs immediately. You go on a hike once or twice in a year, your neighbor plays videogames once in a blue moon, so why buy what we rarely need? We can earn on what we already have instead!

Givgive is initially aimed at a short-term mutual consumption in geographically close and relatively closed communities: neighborhoods, campuses, dorms, housing complexes. Givgive users also can:

  • find their neighbors and chat;
  • learn the latest news of the neighborhood;
  • make use of neighbors’ services.

Just like that, we help to reveal those who live so close to us and share our talents and material values. We can stop being invisible to each other.

I’m going to tell you how to make use of items and profit from it.

How is Home Online Organized?

We built Givgive basing on the principles of full cycle of owning. After purchasing, your items can not get lost somewhere. We continue using them, but all items need some service and then, they finally need to get rid of — sold or given away for free. Home Online has ‘rooms’ and ‘shelves’ as in real life, and it’s very convenient to organize all items there.

Home Online has ‘rooms’ and ‘shelves’ as in real life, and it’s very convenient to organize all items there.

After purchasing, the item is put to Home. Of course, at first you can download items’ pics to Home Online from your cell phone. The Home is divided into ‘rooms’ each of them contains items you own. ‘Rooms’ are organized by type (technical equipment, wardrobe, books, kitchen, garage, sport), or by status (sell, give away, for rent). You can add numerous rooms and fill the up with various items.

As all items are so well-arranged in Home, you start to see which of them are rarely used and which are useless for you at all. Now you can get rid of the unnecessary items and give them away to those who really need them.

We are very proud of our Home Online. You’ll definitely enjoy it.

Ownership Managenent

After purchasing, Givgive reminds of time frame of warranty service, when and how an item can be returned or changed, and duplicates consumer rights one more time. All purchases and actions are stored in history. Therefore, the detailed seller information doesn’t get lost and you can return to it easily.

Step up to the Future. Add Items to your Home Online

You sometimes need a certain item for a single use to go to a party or on some other occasion. You don’t need to call around, scroll down digital thrift stores, spam in all messengers or post in social media begging your friends to borrow something. Givgive makes it easier! You can look through all the items posted for sale, rent or for free! You can set the search among your friends and neighbors and rent either a camera or a board game, baby carriage or furniture — ANYTHING from a bike to a masquerade costume can be bought, rented, shared, borrowed or given away for free.

We can’t imagine our life without Wikipedia. We use the labour products of millions of people who created a free encyclopedia that contains 1,5 million articles in different languages. And now imagine if thousands of people would add their items to their Homes Online. We’ll be given access to ‘everything library’ throughout the whole world.

Start building Home Online in your neighborhood and get profit from cooperation with your neighbors. Givgive. World without locks.




platform for sharing items communicating with your neighbors.