Our World Needs More of This

How GoFundMe organizer Donald Carter turned a fast food run into a life-changing experience.

GoFundMe Stories
3 min readApr 27, 2017


A guest post by Donald Carter.

We are prone to be absorbed into our own little worlds. We are absorbed by our devices (the electronic ones — but sometimes the other kind, too). On Friday, March 24th, I was ready to get back to my own world. After a long day, I just wanted to go home, have a drink (yes, the adult kind), and get to bed. I am an extreme introvert and had been spending my energy all day on other people. It was in this state of mind that I headed to the Popeye’s drive-through, here in Kansas City.

But I had been practicing in the previous weeks — practicing being aware of the people I was sharing a space with.

So when I pulled up to the drive-through window and came into Shajuana’s space, I noticed she was really tired, too. I didn’t know it then, but in that moment my life changed dramatically.

She looked absolutely exhausted. Since I was also feeling tired, I said, “It’s almost over,” knowing that the Popeye’s was closing in about 20 minutes.

I didn’t think much of it. I didn’t think at all, to be honest. I was just gonna get some chicken and head home. But that one comment sparked a 30-second conversation. I learned that Shajuana had to work there very next morning, that she didn’t have any other source of income, and that she was wanting to go to nursing school. We connected in that brief moment. As I drove away, I knew I wanted to do something for her. I wasn’t sure what, but the thought lingered.

By the time I got home, I only wanted to fill my stomach and quit for the day. But that thought of helping Shajuana was still in mind.

All of a sudden, as I crunched on my chicken in my car, an idea came to me: “Why don’t you pay for her to go to nursing school?”

I knew that couldn’t happen with just me. So, I got on Facebook to see if anyone else would be willing to go in on helping a stranger get her certified nursing assistant (CNA) license. That’s it. I didn’t imagine anything past that.

What has happened next was unexpected and amazing. Though I had heard of GoFundMe many times before, the thought to start a crowdfunding campaign didn’t immediately occur to me. But almost immediately after I posted my thoughts on Facebook, the first friend responded with a comment saying he was in, along with the question, “Set up a GoFundMe?”

I had never done a GoFundMe before, so I was a little hesitant. I didn’t know what I’d need to do. Ten minutes later, though, I had the campaign set up and running. And in less than 24 hours, we exceeded the initial goal of $1,500. Some friends who are nurses chimed in and suggested I raise the goal. I am proud to say that now over $15,000 has been raised through GoFundMe!

Before a couple weeks ago, I had never considered the power of crowdfunding, especially for a stranger.

Today, I’m excited at the future possibilities of how to use GoFundMe to bring strangers together for the good of each other. Our world needs more of this. Maybe there’s much more to come…

