Why Do People Want To Download GIVV?

Givv Blog
Published in
2 min readSep 27, 2018

The two players at the center of the Givv ecosystem are average at-home computer owners and the causes they want to support, including NGOs or temporary disaster relief funds. Their interactions with the GIVV token are pretty straight-forward and already well-established in previous articles.

Computer owners install the Givv client and thereby makes their spare computing resources available to the global network infrastructure being built by Givv. The small amount of GIVV tokens generated by those resources add up to a lot when they are given to selected causes. GIVV tokens can then of course be exchanged for fiat currency or other cryptocurrencies, providing creators, influencers, and others with a substantial new form of income.

But what if you aren’t a cool YouTuber or a life-saving charity? What if you’d prefer not to be a Givver in the traditional sense of installing the Givv client and adding your computer to Givv’s global infrastructure? Well, there are still at least two other ways in which people want to interact with Givv and be holders of the GIVV token:

Where Do All The Resources Go?

Givv aims to create an on-demand service for computational resources by creating the world’s largest network of idle PCs. But where does this spare computing power go?

Many entities — businesses, organizations and others — are hungry for computing resources. Computing power is required to run complex technologies that in turn drive further innovation. More and more entities want to experiment with resource-heavy technologies like facial recognition or sentiment analysis.

Common practice today is to purchase expensive infrastructure to run these complex machines. But it’s a costly process and not everyone can afford that kind of investment. There is so much idle computing power in the world. What if it can be rerouted to those who need it through an on-demand, ‘pay-as-you-go’ service to drive growth for the future? Well that’s what Givv is doing. There’s no need to invest in massive new machines when all the required computer resources can be purchased through Givv using the GIVV token.

Financial trading

People can also benefit from Givv just by trading in the GIVV token like you might any other currency. People can add their GIVV tokens to the arbitrage pool and profit by trading across exchanges.

As we can see, there are several ways to interact with Givv and the GIVV token. Opportunities abound! So if you like the concept of Givv, see what category you best fall into and get involved!

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