Why Would A Charity Want To Turn Supporters Into Givvers?

Givv Blog
Published in
3 min readOct 20, 2018

Your charity never has and probably will never reach a point where it is helping everyone it can help or accomplish everything it can accomplish. Charity work is all about striving for an ideal, in the knowledge that every little bit helps. The current donation model of charitable support works — but it could be even better. More causes could be enjoying greater financial support and more services could be provided to people, animals and/or communities in need. How? By using Givv — particularly by letting your followers know that they can support your charity by becoming Givvers.

The benefits of adding this system to your arsenal of options for people to donate and/or donate to support your cause can be split into two categories: those that directly your ability to fundraise and those that remove barriers for donors to support you.

The Benefits for Charities

  • Increased income: As a charity, you’re always looking for ways to increase donations so you can have a bigger impact. The Givv model provides you with an entirely new revenue stream, especially from people who hesitant to donate previously as they couldn’t afford to give away money. By monetizing the idle computing resources everyone has sitting at home already, Givv is generating wealth where there was none and giving it straight to charity.
  • New technology: This new way of drawing in donations introduces charities to blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies, which may prove to be important to charities in many ways moving forward. The same way crowdfunding opened up charitable giving to the internet, Givv is the perfect gateway to future models of marketing, monetizing and raising money for important charitable causes.

The Benefits of Givv for Charity Supporters

  • Givvers aren’t donating cash: One of the biggest barriers for charities is asking people to hand over their hard-earned cash. They usually have plans for that money. Our lives are complex and we always need more money to fix something that’s broken, save for school to better ourselves or maybe take one of those rare vacations just to unwind. But Givv isn’t a middleman to transfer cash donations to charities. Instead, Givv utilizes what is essentially a wasted resource for most people. An idle computer is, in fact, generating computing resources that generally go to waste. By gaining access to those resources, Givv is has created a model that accepts this as a donation and converts it into funds for charities.
  • They are supporting several things at once: While Givvers select specific charities and influencers to support, the Givv model also supports companies developing and running important new technologies. These often require a significant amount of computing resources, which can be purchased through Givv rather than spending on complex new machines and the infrastructure to house them. Utilizing the world’s computing resources so efficiently reduces demand for new machines and the burden on the electric grid. In this way, Givv even has an environmental and economic impact and Givvers will be supporting.

With Givv, charities see direct benefits that make operations easier and more successful. But because charities depend on donations from everyday individuals, benefits for these supporters also translate into benefits for charities themselves. That’s why Givv makes it easier and more efficient for people to support the charities they care about. Givvers can also rest assured that just by leaving their computer turned on (like they probably do anyway), they are supporting not only the charities of their choice, but also economic growth and environmental health.

Don’t you want your supporters to be Givvers, powering global impact with their computers?

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