Making Xcode-Colors work with Xcode 8.1 — Xcode 9

Gruber Kristóf
GK Blog
Published in
2 min readOct 25, 2016

Apple disabled 3rd party plugins since Xcode 8 came out, but there is a tricky way to make them work again. I’ve tried several methods, but this one worked only. Since I didn’t find the whole process anywhere at a single guide, I decided to post it here. Feel free to comment.

1. Unsign Xcode

For this, you need unsign. Download it, then build like this:

Copy it to your binaries:

If you have more than one Xcode versions on your system, rename the Xcode which you want to use to (you can still have Xcode or anything beside this).

Select it as main Xcode on your system:

Unsign the binary:

This unsigns the binary, saves it as Xcode.unsigned, renames the original, signed binary as Xcode.signed, then links the unsigned version to Xcode name. If you want to revert it, you just have to delete Xcode.unsigned and Xcode, then rename Xcode.signed back.

2. Build Xcode-Colors

Download Xcode-Colors, unzip it, open the project, then set the target to XcodeColors → My Mac. Build it (⌘B), then go back to Terminal, and run the shell script in Xcode-Color’s directory:

After this, rebuild the project in Xcode.

To test it, quit Xcode, then open the project file again. If you are lucky, Xcode will ask if you enable to run the plugin (of course say yes). Select the TestXcodeColors target and run it. You should see a working color log:


Let me know if it works for you.

