In the wake of Brexit: referendum reaction

Gavin Kelly
Gavin Kelly’s blog
1 min readJul 20, 2016

Crisis is perhaps the most overused term in the lexicon of British politics. But for once, it fits the bill. A dramatic economic shock, the future of the union in jeopardy, our place in the world in flux, a political class found wanting, a prime minister jettisoned. Look past the campaign and we find the result has many authors — among them deep political and economic forces that, if hardly new, have now been laid bare. We have experienced a slow, steady rupture between generations, geographies and social classes, divides cultural as much as material that will test — possibly to breaking point — the strength of the coalitions of interest that bound together our main political parties throughout the 20th century. Meanwhile, our open, flexible, service-based economy has — despite its strengths — failed to generate enough shared prosperity to reach across the whole nation including into former industrial heartlands. Like other mature economies, we struggle to find a politically sustainable accommodation with globalisation. All this needs to be reckoned with by a governing class completely overwhelmed with the fallout of leaving the EU and at a time when our political leaders seem far smaller than the events they grapple with. A crisis indeed.

This first appeared in the Observer.



Gavin Kelly
Gavin Kelly’s blog

Gavin is chair of the Resolution Foundation and chair of the Living Wage Commission. He writes here in a personal capacity.