#GLAMcareers Canada

Kat Williams
GLAM Careers
Published in
1 min readAug 23, 2019

#GLAMcareers hashtags are shared regularly on Facebook & Twitter.

#GLAMcareers is a series of hashtags to make finding and sharing gallery, library, archives, and museum — GLAM jobs easier on social media. Right now this project is focused on Canada. By using both hashtags, people can filter postings either generically or by location. If you click on a region-specific link below, you will be automatically directed to Twitter and (if logged in) ready to tweet, hashtags already there for you! For Facebook and other social media, please feel free to copy and paste the hashtags and/or share this page for reference. Please add these hashtags to your own tweets, retweets, and posts to help spread the word and hopefully make finding a GLAM career in Canada a little easier on social media!


Alberta — #GLAMcareersAB
British Columbia — #GLAMcareersBC
First Nations — #GLAMcareersFN
Manitoba — #GLAMcareersMB
New Brunswick — #GLAMcareersNB
Newfoundland and Labrador — #GLAMcareersNL
Nova Scotia — #GLAMcareersNS
Northwest Territories — #GLAMcareersNT
Nunavut — #GLAMcareersNU
Ontario — #GLAMcareersON
Prince Edward Island — #GLAMcareersPE
Quebec — #GLAMcareersQC
Saskatchewan — #GLAMcareersSK
Yukon — #GLAMcareersYT

Click to see the latest tagged job posts on our Twitter and Facebook feeds.


