Sloan Golden, Giungla, Siri Neel, Terra Twin, Tessa Rose Jackson, Ally Evenson, and Vanarin
Sloan Golden, Giungla, Siri Neel, Terra Twin, Tessa Rose Jackson, Ally Evenson, and Vanarin

Seven Fresh Songs #236

Listen to new music by Sloan Golden, Giungla, Terra Twin, Siri Neel, Tessa Rose Jackson, Ally Evenson, and Vanarin

Oliver Bouchard
glamglare music
Published in
5 min read3 days ago


Listen to/watch all seven songs on YouTube. Follow our daily updated playlists on YouTube and Spotify for the 50 latest Song Pick of the Day features or subscribe here to receive them into your mailbox in real-time. Thank you for following us and sharing the excitement.

Sloan Golden — Missing Stair

Los Angeles-based indie-pop artist Sloan Golden just released the instantly mesmerizing “Missing Stair.” Lyrically, “Missing Stair” deals with a painful experience and an eye-opening realization. Sonically, the track has just the most wonderful, mellow flow over which Sloan’s vocals ride and shine. While this was the first song I’ve heard from Sloan Golden, it made me want to listen to more! Luckily, Sloan Golden has an EP coming up, Long Conversations,out on September 25, 2024. Asked about her newest single, Sloan says:

“In the context of the EP, ‘Missing Stair’ is the last chance. You’ve come to terms with the fact that someone you love isn’t a good person, but they’re also your blind spot. So as much as you know cutting ties with them is in your best interest, you don’t want to let them go. In the end their repeated behavior pushes you over the edge and almost makes the decision for you.”

Listen to “Missing Stair,” our Song Pick of the Day:

Giungla — Tonight

Today’s phones can provide quick jolts of happiness and excitement but also drag you into an abyss of dark thoughts. That is a perfect topic for a new song by Italian singer/songwriter Giungla: her grungy guitars play against sweet electronics, and in the end, the music dissolves into fuzzy dissonance.

Giungla says about the song:

“’Tonight’ was one of the first songs that I wrote for this record and that shaped the vision behind it and its title ‘Distractions’. It’s a sort of non-love song written from the perspective of a phone, a one-way dialogue, it’s a song about loneliness. Nowadays there are so many different things trying to tell you what should be important to you, demanding your attention, but sometimes what you really should remind yourself is: what do I really care about?”

Listen to our Song Pick of the Day, “Tonight,” on Apple Music or Spotify or below on YouTube:

Terra Twin — The Recogniser

Listening to Terra Twin’s “The Recogniser” instantly makes me want to see the London-based band live. The track mesmerizes with its bouncy beat, vibrant vibe, and warm, soothing vocals. I’d like to have a really good look at frontman Maxim Baldry and guitarist Lewis Spear when they do their (guitar) magic — so good! Their new EP, Static Separation, with more of this appealing Americana-tinged indie-rock is scheduled for February 6, 2025, via Dance To The Radio.

The band says about their new single:

“’The Recogniser’ is a feeling of someone leaving. It’s a post-apocalyptic exploration of what life looks like when the river-dancing contest has gone on for too long and you get a free drink in the pouring rain.”

Listen to “The Recogniser,” our Song Pick of the Day:

Siri Neel — I’m a Maze

“I’m a Maze” is a soaring anthem to self-love. Over glistening synths, the Danish singer/songwriter Siri Neel makes a case that perceived weaknesses can be turned into strengths and unlock new possibilities.

She says:

“I now realise that my vulnerability is a huge superpower. As an artist, having easy access to my emotions is something I use in my songwriting and the way I express my songs. It’s just a huge source of inspiration, which hopefully means that my songs can be appreciated.”

“I’m a Maze” is on Siri Neel’s debut album Drawn Like a Magnet. Listen to our Song Pick of the Day on Spotify, Apple Music, or below on YouTube:

Tessa Rose Jackson — Stick In The Mud

“Stick In The Mud” by Tessa Rose Jackson sounds familiar and fresh simultaneously, thanks to its classic cinematic feel paired with gritty guitars and Tessa’s soothing vocals. It’s a song that wraps you in a warm, sonic blanket but shakes you every now and then to ensure you’re not dosing off because it just feels so good!

About the recording, Tessa says:

“How often do you get to record a classic Hollywood string ensemble for an indie song? Not often, I’ll tell you! The song has an almost tongue-in-cheek melodrama to it, so we thought: let’s push it all the way. We combined two worlds that, in our minds, epitomise the word drama: the sweeping romantic strings of old Hollywood movies with the grungy chug of Elliott Smith band tracks.”

The track was co-written with Miloof the Dutch trio The Shells, and Tessa reveals further:

“It’s a sultry, no-bullshit love song for a friend in the throes of heartbreak. Forget me not, your stick-in-the-mud / Might be old news, but I know you.”

Listen to “Stick In The Mud,” our Song Pick of the Day:

Ally Evenson — One Trick Pony

This song came up on Spotify yesterday, and I have had it on repeat since then. “One Trick Pony” is the new song by Detroit singer/songwriter Ally Evenson, who crossed our paths already in 2020 with her EP Not So Pretty. The track is indie pop at its sweet spot, and if the rest of her album BLUE SUPER LOVE is nearly as good, we are up for a special treat late this November.

Listen to “One Trick Pony,” our Song Pick of the Day, on your favorite streaming service, or watch the video below:

Vanarin — I Don’t Know

Anglo-Italian four-piece Vanarin knows precisely what they’re doing with their latest release, the brilliant “I Don’t Know,” marrying soul with R’n’B, and adding elements from psychedelia to rock and funk. This crazy catchy vibe is no accident but calls for musicians who know their instruments and trust their craft. I loved the track from the get-go and happily listened to their older releases. You’ll also find that chill yet irresistible vibe on other tracks of theirs, so don’t stop with “I Don’t Know.” The lyrics support the lazy, blissful state of the song:

“Wake up in a desert room,

solo in a state of bloom,

don’t know what I’m doing.

Plenty time to spend alone,

pixels crawling up my bones,

don’t know what I’m doing.”

The band has an album coming up via Dischi Sotterranei. Stay tuned for more and listen to “I Don’t Know,” our Song Pick of the Day:



Oliver Bouchard
glamglare music

I write software, share music and photos on and enjoy life together with @elkenyc in Brooklyn, NY.