The capsule closet: the what, the why & the how

Jessica Sikora
Published in
3 min readJan 15, 2020
Photo by Amanda Vick on Unsplash

What is a Capsule Closet?

Let us start off with the most commonly asked question surrounding this topic, not surprisingly being “what even is a Capsule Closet?” Simply put, a capsule closet — or wardrobe as you may have seen — is a limited selection of curated pieces that coordinate well and as a result, can be worn in a multitude of ways and can cater for any occasion.

The ideal capsule wardrobe would be comprised of versatile separates and include seasonal items that you can change out based on the weather and time of year.

Incentive can be good

Ever wake up & complain you have nothing to wear while staring at a closet full of clothes? No shame, we've all been there. Enter the concept of the capsule closet. Capsule closets create a great framework that make shopping, saving money and getting dressed every day dramatically easier, all while being better for our mother earth by decreasing the number of clothing being purchased from the typical fast-fashion go-to stores.

Initially, taking the time and making the effort to invest in a few great fitting & high-quality items can feel a little overwhelming and indulgent, but when you consider the environmental ramifications of cheap, disposable clothing (definitive of fast fashion) the benefits ultimately speak for themselves.

Have we hooked you yet? Well, here’s how to get started:

There are no set rules on how to start a capsule wardrobe, but I find the best place to start is with a clothing clean-out. Consider the clothes you have — and we mean reeeallly consider them. Ask yourself how often you have worn “X” piece in the past 6 months. If you can’t even remember when the last time was, place it in storage or donate it to charity!

One of the best ways to go about a closet clear-out is by using the “See & Sort strategy.” This strategy has you group your items into 3 (or sometimes more) categories, but I've found the three best/most useful to be:

(i) Love: you simply cannot live without these items, they are your ride or dies — and they probably just came to mind.

(ii) Maybe: for some reason you just cannot part with this item — don’t worry we all have them. In this case, place the item in storage until you're ready to revisit the topic of cycling it into your capsule wardrobe or donating it.

(iii) Donate: an item you honestly cannot remember the last time you wore, but is still in great condition and can find new life in another home.

After your clear-out follow through with these tips:

  • Build your base wardrobe with pieces that transcend trends. Focus on the fit & quality of the materials.
  • Spend the time thinking of what's really lacking in your wardrobe before you make any new purchases. Make a list of these items and go shopping with a purpose.
  • There is no concrete number of how many pieces you should have in your capsule wardrobes, but aim for a maximum of 50 pieces.
  • Add in & change out seasonal pieces, such as quality knitwear for colder seasons and camisoles for warmer ones!
  • Lastly, don’t be afraid to add new pieces to your capsule wardrobes! Our tip here is to follow the “one in, one out” rule if your concern is a cluttered closet.

More of a visual learner? We've got you covered, the graphic below is a great framework & lays out many (if not all) the basic essentials to incorporate into your capsule closets! Switch it up with colors, materials & prints as per your style and really make it your own.

photo: @useless_dk

