Tutorial: How to Export Highlights and Notes into Roam Research

Kei Watanabe
Published in
4 min readFeb 26, 2022

People Who Would Benefit

  • Want to export selected sentences from web articles into Roam Research at once.
  • Use Roam Research and want to cite sentences from web articles.

Why Glasp?

1. We don’t disturb your reading experience 💡

  • What you need is just highlighting sentences you like, which end within two seconds.
  • You don’t need to copy & paste sentences one by one while reading.

2. Export sentences you want in markdown at once 🙌

  • You don’t need to export the whole article and edit it later. You can export only the sentences you want.
  • Glasp enables you to copy & paste sentences in the markdown style, so you don’t need to edit them later on Roam Research.

3. You can find like-minded people 📚

  • We have more than 10,000+ people who are avid readers, critical thinkers, note-takers, and lifelong learners in our community! So, you can find people with who you will learn from together.

Things Needed

How to Install Glasp’s Chrome Extension and Select Sentences You Want

1. Prepare a desktop and browser (Chrome, Brave, Edge, or Safari)

  • Glasp works only on Chrome, Brave, Edge, or Safari on the desktop. Firefox is coming soon!
  • Open the Glasp page from the link below.

👉 Glasp — Web Page

2. Sign up for Glasp

  • Click Sign Up (beta), create an account with Google, and choose your favorite topics(you can change them whenever you want).
  • If you’re asked to fill in the Typeform, please help us. It takes one to two minutes 🙏

3. Install the Browser extension

  • After you created an account and reached the Home page, please click the link below to install the Chrome extension.

👉 Glasp — Chrome Web Store

👉 Glasp — Safari Web Store

4. Open any article you like, select and highlight sentences you want to export

  • Once you installed the Chrome extension, click the icon on the toolbar to open Glasp’s sidebar.
  • Select any sentences you want in the article. You see a popup showing up, then select any color you want (a red arrow at the left). You will see that the selected sentence is highlighted and added to the sidebar on the left.
  • After highlighting sentences, go to the Home page by clicking an icon at the top right on the sidebar (a red arrow at the right).
  • If you couldn’t highlight the sentence, please refresh the page and try it again 🙏

How to Export Sentences into Roam Research

1. Go to your profile page by clicking “My Highlights” at the top left (a red circle at the left)

  • Select an article you want to export, then click “Copy Content” at the top right (a red circle at the right).
  • If you click another article, you can export that article’s highlighted sentences.

2. Paste sentences on Roam Research

  • Open a New note on Roam Research and paste highlighted sentences by Command+V for Mac or Ctrl+V for Windows.
  • Yay, you got everything copied and pasted from the web article 🎉
  • You can edit the sentence or style as you want 🙂

Before You Leave

Any questions?

  • Please look at FAQ or message us through Twitter.

👉 FAQs

👉 Twitter

Please look into the tutorials below if you want to export highlights into Obsidian, Notion, or Readwise.

👉 Obsidian

👉 Notion

👉 Readwise

Thank you for reading! Hope this article helps you understand how to export web article’s highlighted sentences into Roam Research with Glasp.

If you’re interested in my Glasp, please check it from here 😉

👉 Glasp

See you next time,


