How I Fixed My Doomscrolling Addiction

It’s easy to doomscroll until the cows come home. Trust me, I was.

Björn Jóhann
Glass Half Full


Photo by Marten Bjork on Unsplash

Yesterday, I did something that felt almost like a dream: I took an international flight.

Walking into the airport was like a memory from a past life. Almost everything seemed normal, just with some hand sanitizer and social distancing sprinkled on top. I practically floated through security and the boarding process.

On the plane, the woman sitting next to me sprayed lavender rubbing alcohol on every surface she touched. I looked out the window and felt the dormant emotion of excitement flutter in my chest.

It had been months since my last flight, a rarity for an ex-pat like myself habituated to work travel.

But half an hour into the flight I felt on-edge. I wasn’t sure why. I went through a mental checklist of what could be bothering me. I couldn’t watch a movie because I forgot my earbuds. My seatmate was sound asleep. I couldn’t check my phone because —

Then it hit me. There was no wifi on the flight. This was the first time in 2020 that I had gone without an internet connection for more than a few minutes.

I kept wanting to grab the phone in the seatback pocket in front of me. I wanted to refresh the New York…



Björn Jóhann
Glass Half Full

A queer, herbivorous, leftist Viking. I write about society, justice, and popular media. UChicago grad.