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How to control your motivation and achieve your goals?

Glass Paper
Published in
2 min readJan 18, 2021


Elon Musk and Bill Gates

Do you know that Elon Musk and Bill Gates both share the same habit that helps manage their busy schedules? They plan every moment of their day. This is the best way to control your motivation. set goals and achieve them.

To start your way to success you need a personal planner and a wish to start moving to your dream. Break your goals down into smaller pieces, write them in a list and limit the time of achieving them. Try to build your own success plan, concentrate on what you really want and get organized.

Use your custom planner not only to set aims but also to schedule your daily routine. You may also use planners with inspirational quotes to stay motivated. Try to set a list of your daily tasks and complete them step by step. Don’t try to do everything at once, it will only spoil your results.

Self-improvement motivation is very important when talking about achieving goals and planning for success in business. Don’t look at other people, stay concentrated and think only about what you want.

There is also one more interesting tip — just take a few moments to sit back and remind yourself why you chose this or that goal. Was it just to help people? Was it because you knew it would lead to long term happiness? This can always help you find clarity and keep calm in the worst moments.

Goal achievement is a difficult process but if you know what you are fighting for — you will always get it. You may use or not use a motivational planner but you should remember that the main thing that helps you in achieving goals is inside your head.

Stay inspired and don’t forget to plan your day!



Glass Paper

Glass Paper is a day planner that won't sit on the shelf for years. He will lie and act! A powerful boost of motivation is guaranteed.