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Why is an electronic planner more convenient than a paper one?

Glass Paper
Published in
2 min readJan 11, 2021


Today’s electronic planner is the one to completely change a paper planner soon. Of course, both paper and electronic planners have their pros and cons but the digital variant is considered to be more convenient.

First of all, an electronic planner requires no paper. You won’t need to take an additional notebook with you every day, because now you have all the plans inside your phone or iPad. Moreover, it’s obvious but your phone is always with you, so you wouldn’t tend to forget it at home.

Secondly, digital planner, unlike paper plum planner, can set reminders that will repeat, so you will not forget your plans. It can ding to let you know that you need to pick up cat food on the way home or that you have a lanch with your friends tomorrow. You can search your reminders and lists and then there is the ability to sync it to your many devices.

Thirdly, plum paper planners are limited by the number of sheets, when digital ones — by practically nothing. In electronic planners, you can write, erase, rewrite, recreate — and not be afraid to “get the paper dirty”. When keeping a paper planner, there is always the fear of writing the “wrong” thing. Besides, they run out quite quickly. Usually, the paper planner can stand only 3–6 months of active keeping. And then there is one more problem: what to do with a used paper planner? Many people don’t want to throw it away, it arouses sentimental feelings, and it takes a lot of space to keep it… planner electronics archiving old records do not cause problems.

Moreover, an electronic planner is easy and simple to customize unlike wasting planners paper source. You can change the wallpaper, cover, colours and fonts.

A digital notebook will never get you bored, giving you space and creativity. If you still hesitate, try out our new digital planner app and have fun!



Glass Paper

Glass Paper is a day planner that won't sit on the shelf for years. He will lie and act! A powerful boost of motivation is guaranteed.