Glasswall Security Tagging

Harry Georgiou
Glasswall Engineering
2 min readNov 19, 2019
Document security in a seamless manner

What is Security Tagging?

Security Tagging acts as a document trace-ability mechanism, with the key focus being that documents are seamlessly tagged, in a non-detectable manner, invisible to the average user, but known by the company, making it possible to trace and detect file breaches / hacks within the organisation if they occur.

Who is the target audience?

Security Tagging is primarily aimed at companies, where documents are being transferred between systems and people, opening the potential risk of data exfiltration.

How does it work?

Companies must specify meta-data which they would like tagged (hidden within the document). Then, the meta-data gets inserted into the file to be Security Tagged to hidden locations within the document.

Example usage:

  1. Company specifies a file they would like tagged.
  2. Company specifies the file with the data they would like tagged to the file. e.g. date/time, name of person the file was last with.
  3. Security Tagging runs and the meta-data gets merged into the file seamless and unnoticeable.
  4. That’s it! The original file is now tagged with the traceable information of who was in last possession of the file. In the event of a document breach, the company are able to trace possible culprits.

How companies can benefit from Security Tagging?

There are security breaches every day consisting of files being stolen, deleted, corrupted, or just general data breaches. Often, it is very difficult for companies to trace possible culprits.

Security Tagging is the solution to this problem. Documents shall not go unnoticed and wherever the documents go, the company goes with it. Companies that use security tagging will always be able to keep an eye on confidential documents moving around between systems and people, maintaining a hidden historical record of meta-data, which the company are able to decode and use to trace the last whereabouts of the document.

The use of Security Tagging will not only give organisations peace of mind that files are being passed around the organisation in a traceable manner, but also acts as a deterrent mechanism against internal threats. This can not only increase confidence in the organisation, but also trust from customers.

Stop it. Block it. Glasswall it.



Harry Georgiou
Glasswall Engineering

I am a technical and business enthusiast, with a passion for designing and building robust, revolutionary software solutions.