Gold: a protective asset in action

Published in
1 min readApr 1, 2020

Our mission is to make investments in gold accessible to a wide range of people.
And today we would like to present you a clear statistics — how the markets behaved against the background of the coronavirus pandemic.

Oil fell in price most of all — 62%. On the second place is Ethereum -49.4%. Bitcoin ranks fourth with a result of -34.7%.

It is noteworthy that the US indices lost an average of 25% in price, and gold actually remained in place with a result of + 0.3%. This is what a real security asset should look like.

This is important information for our potential investors, as the main value of GLDS token is that each coin has a gold content. And the owner of each GLDS token is the owner of gold in the equivalent of 0.02 grams per coin.

As you can see, despite the world’s vicissitudes, it is profitable to invest in gold, and even more so in digital gold!

