Gold is the most expensive precious metal

Published in
1 min readFeb 1, 2020

Precious metals are unique assets that have not only financial but also cultural and emotional value associated with them. Both individuals and large financial funds invest in them.

Gold is the most expensive precious metal. The modern gold market demonstrates diversity and growth. Since the 1970s, the amount of gold produced each year has tripled, and the amount of gold purchased each year has quadrupled, which has contributed to the prosperity of the gold market around the world.

Key factors about gold that every investor should know:

-gold is an asset that is influenced by many factors, not just by an investment demand;

-gold is one of the most effective diversifiers;

-in comparison with other important financial assets gold offers competitive opportunities;

-over time, fiduciary coins, including US dollars, lose their value, unlike gold.

All of these factors indicate that adding gold to an investment portfolio can significantly increase returns with minimal risk.

