The world is on the verge of “The Greatest Depression”

Published in
2 min readMay 6, 2020

Banking crisis. Impoverishment of the population. Bankruptcy of small, medium, and in some cases large businesses around the world. And this is just a rough list of all that the world’s population expects in the next few years.

The GDP of some countries will be reduced by almost half, and some of them, mainly those whose prosperity is based on tourism and the hospitality industry, are at risk of bankruptcy, defaults and devaluations of sovereign currencies.

Reducing consumer demand will put many business models at the edge of the abyss. Following them, entire segments of the economy will collapse, which in turn will also affect the banking system. The Central Bank will be forced to print new money in order to minimize the fall of the economy, and this in turn will lead to a subsequent large increase in the rate of inflation, which will turn into dust any money savings of people.

However, there is a way out. Investing in gold is a great, time-tested way to protect yourself from economic crises and imposed on people, inflation. Precious metals have served as a reliable way to preserve value for decades. And even today, nothing has changed. This is clearly visible on the charts of the price of the yellow metal, which clearly hint that right now, while you are reading this — the rest of the world is actively converting their savings into gold!

Against the background of the upcoming disaster, panic and a series of defaults have every chance to push the price tag for the yellow gold above $2000 per ounce. In this case, gold will allow people not only to protect their savings from the impact of the crisis, but also help to multiply them!

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The world is facing difficult times. So don’t waste your time!

Take care of your well-being today! Together with Gdigit!

