Move over Instagram and Facebook — Glimpse is Launching in April!

Glimpse | NFT
Published in
2 min readMar 24, 2022

Web 3 Social Media is Here!

gm gm! You may have heard Mark Zuckerberg speak at SXSW about Instagram and their plans to ‘bring NFT’s to the platform in the near future’. Well — we in the Web 3 space know how quickly the NFT space is heating up, and we’re excited to announce that Glimpse will launch in April!

Glimpse allows anyone to easily create and sell NFT’s of everyday moments. We’re lowering the barrier of entry by eliminating the need for gas fees and making creating an NFT as easy as uploading any other picture/video. We are partnering with multiple payment providers to make purchasing the $GLMS tokens and NFT’s as seamless as possible. Lowering the barrier of entry into the NFT space is our main goal as we go to market, and we’re excited to bring NFT’s to the masses!

Web 2 can’t be Web 3

Existing social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok have always operated around the mantra that the user is the product. Talented content creators and adoring fans generate all of the value for social media platforms, but see very little to no monetization as these platforms answer only to their shareholders. Even the most talented creators with millions of followers only see fractions of a penny per view of their top content. That all changes with Glimpse!

Creators can now directly monetize their top content and receive up to 95% of the value they create! Fans/followers can now own a digitally unique 1/1 item that connects them with their star in a way that no other person is. They can choose to hold the NFT, display it, create a collection, or re-sell it on the marketplace at a later time! We give power back to creators by flipping the revenue model of social media and allowing them to capture the vast majority of the value they create! Creators are no longer the product, but a partner!

Asked about the product launch, Founder Theodore Kozlowski says: This is just the beginning! As we seek to expand our product suite — we move forward with one goal in mind: To provide value to all users by unlocking new monetization streams, incorporating utility for NFT’s on Glimpse, and creating new opportunities for creator/fan engagement.

Get in on the action! Glimpse(GLMS) is live on PancakeSwap! Buy Now!

To learn more about Glimpse, visit the official website or follow on Twitter, Telegram, or Discord to stay updated! Join the conversation — our team is fully doxxed and publicly available on LinkedIn and in our community groups! EXACT RELEASE DATE IS IN THE TELEGRAM GROUP!

