Making Glitch Sustainable

Glitch is taking off as one of the most popular and beloved new communities for discovering and creating apps. And it’s all free. So how do we keep this thing around for the next 20 years?

Anil Dash
2 min readApr 24, 2018


The short version: go to Glitch for Teams, and tell us what collaboration features on Glitch your team would find valuable enough to pay for.

In launching Glitch to the world, one of our core values that underlies the community is that sustainability matters. We mean “sustainability” in every way possible, but today we want to focus on sustaining Glitch as a business.

Our perspective on this is a little bit different. Fog Creek Software (the company behind Glitch) is nearly twenty years old, and we’ve never taken outside funding and have always built our business based on selling our products and services directly to our customers. At a time when lots of people don’t trust their relationship with big tech companies, we feel good about staying on this path as an independent tech company.

But building groundbreaking technology like Glitch takes lots of resources, especially as we want to see the community flourish for years (and even decades!) to come. Now we need your feedback.

Help Define Glitch for Teams

Here’s what we know:

  • Glitch makes developing apps with other people far more pleasant and productive by providing collaborative tools for coding together, and massively improved implementations of features like version control.
  • Being able to tap into Glitch’s creative community makes it easier to create the apps and bots and sites you need. Just start by remixing; you don’t have to manage any devops, hosting or deployment complexity.
  • Most companies and organizations see their developers’ and designers’ time as precious, so any improvement in their workflow or process is extremely valuable.
  • Basic team management features like being able to control who can edit and access a set of Glitch apps would be useful for developers, designers, marketers, educators, and others who do development in a collaborative environment.

We’re building Glitch for Teams as a paid subscription product to deliver those benefits. We know so many of you love Glitch and would love to use it at work, so we’ll build our roadmap around the tools that help you adopt Glitch within your organization. Get in touch with us and share your ideas! We can’t wait to see what you and your team create using Glitch!



Anil Dash

I help make @Glitch so you can make the internet. Trying to make tech more ethical & humane. (Also an advisor to Medium.) More: