Monthly Update — April 2022

Glitch Marketing
Glitch Finance
Published in
8 min readApr 1, 2022

Hello Glitchers,

Welcome to another monthly newsletter from Glitch HQ. Since the launch of Phase II, the team has had their heads down building for the launch of Phase III on June 6, 2022. This month’s newsletter will be different; we wanted to cut out the fluff and dive straight into addressing these tech updates and community feedback. This will be a more informal address to the community to get the information out quickly.

Over the last week, we’ve had a plethora of questions and feedback pouring in. We wanted to thank everyone for their ongoing support as we progress through the development process and lifecycle.

The team has been discussing and considering all feedback raised by the community. There might be a few things we’re waiting on to provide an appropriate response, and those things will be later addressed. We are also hiring more marketing assistants and community managers that will help ease the communications process over time.

At Glitch, we’re constantly working hard to deliver what we’ve been setting to achieve — the most rewarding and scalable L1 specific to defi money markets and we indeed have been delivering, which should already be very evident with our products and community building efforts out there.

Building a tech infrastructure is not an easy task and takes thousands and thousands of hours to get it right. Building Glitch is always our main priority as the team is working to deliver all phases as expected before the end of the year. Sometimes the team might make not be as active as you’d like, but that’s because we’re so focused on building and growing the ecosystem with the kind of ambitious plans we have. As time progresses, we’ll continue to increase communications.

Addressing new tech updates and community feedback below. Let’s get started:

How has the team been progressing on the tech deliverables?

1. Phase III: Von Hayek roadmap breakdown has been updated to 16% completion. You can check it out below or view it on the official webpage here. The roadmap breakdown is updated on a bi-weekly basis and acts as a way for the community to track team tech progress.

When will the team release the GitHub commits calendar? How can we see the products and technology the team is building?

2. As a marketing and communications department, we have put processes and pipelines in place to ensure that sufficient and clear tech updates are made to update the community members about the tech developments. In addition to that, we release bi-weekly updates, update the roadmap breakdown, have products that include an internal mainnet viewed via the explorer, a testnet environment where users can deploy their nodes live, a faucet to test these transactions, and a Browser-extension wallet in the alpha stage, which all should be clear proof of our technology developments. These products and testnet can be viewed on the official glitch website. The Glitch team members have been in the industry long enough not to be part of anything illegitimate. We have had to speak to our CTO and the team, and with everything that is going on and we are working towards, we do not feel it is the right time to plug developers off to meet Github requests and get involved in this back and forth never-ending communication. Where Glitch stands now, it is not on the list of our priorities, we have made commitments to the community about the documentation and the Github in our prior announcements, and we will stick firmly with that. We will release Github and other details when it really provides substantial value to both the team and the community in the latter part of the 2022 year. For now, the roadmap breakdown and the initially released products should be more than enough to track and see the developments at Glitch.

Will there be a Glitch Discord?

3. Discord is ready to go pending a couple of edits in permissions and webhook additions. We’ll have some fun campaigns to get as many Glitchers in it. The team will prioritize Discord as the primary communications channel for community interaction because there will be so much more that we can organize to better engage with the community. The way Twitter and Telegram are structured makes it not ideal for spreading information. All community channels will remain open (there are zero plans to close the current ones), and the team will continue to be active. Over time, the team plans to add more social media networks to its pipelines.

Does Diego work full-time or part-time for Glitch?

4. Diego is our CTO and currently works full-time at Glitch. Diego is delivering in spades. Yes, he has another engagement part-time but is committed to GLITCH and delivers on all of his requirements. We were aware of this commitment when we took him on. Every phase has been completed to date, and talent like himself cannot be passed on. Who else in this world has two jobs, with prioritization on their full-time position? See Charles Hoskinsons and Vitalik for two prime examples in this industry. It is normal.

Are there any updates around the stress testing?

5. The team has communicated with our third-party testing partners, and we’re moving along with the requirements well. Things have been signed, but not much info can be shared apart from this due to an NDA. The testing has not started as planned yet, but we’re getting there. Besides developing the blockchain, the team will likely reprioritize to finalize the reqs and onboard the right people necessary to move forward. The stress testing could begin in the coming weeks if all goes well. We’ll keep you all updated.

Is the advocate program progressing well?

6. Yes. The advocate program is alive! We’ve recently had some fantastic advocates taking the initiative (who will remain unnamed for obv reasons; creating videos, moderating the channels, spreading the word of glitch through regional community events, and assisting the marketing team with internal documents/content creation). However, many advocates have also expressed their desire for more direction. Since the program is still being built out, in response, we have been putting together a rewards program to incentivize our advocates more where they will need to complete tasks and receive a certain amount of points per month to remain in the program. Please remember that this program is just getting started; most advocates are about to finish their probationary periods, and some are even trained. We think this could be expanded to the community as a whole. If we did something like this for a specific period, would you all get involved and do some daily tasks?

Does the partnership with DePo, now known as ARC, still stand with Glitch?

7. No. We will not be moving forward with our collaboration with DePo/Arc, and we are also no longer in contact with the DePo/Arc team. Upon multiple unsuccessful attempts to reach out and after reviewing recent sketchy activities tied to that project, we are content with our decision. Great project and would have been a great partner, but an unfortunate circumstance. Out of respect, we wish their team all the best in their future success.

Is Genesis Pool (GPool) still the preferred launchpad for Glitch?

8. As things are, GPool will remain the preferred launchpad for Glitch. Unless there is a change in plans (which we would then announce), that is where we stand today. GPool is NOT a Glitch product; it is simply a partner. Yes, we have been helping and advising GPool to build out their products. No, we are not the GPool team. GPool is an entirely independent project from Glitch. The resources on the Glitch team are being utilized to build GLITCH, not the other way around.

When will the whitepaper 2.0 be released? We want to know the new fundamental changes to the consensus mechanism since the transition to Substrate.

9. The new whitepaper is still a work in progress (WIP). We expressed that this may be completed sooner, but we have had many other priorities: getting Phase 1 and 2 live. We’re confirming a new addition to the team shortly, allowing increased bandwidth and support to complete this in full. It will be added to the official homepage upon completion. This new whitepaper does not mean we have started over. We are just updating the information since our migration from tendermint to substrate, and the consensus mechanism from decay dPOS to decay nPOS.

Can we get stricter moderation and control in the community groups? Some members heavily FUD on purpose to bring down morale.

10. We will be enacting stricter community policies, and we’re onboarding more community managers that will help us instill positivity to better gauge and manage communications. Starting today, members who continually disrupt the official Telegram channel will receive a one-week mute and a perm ban. There will be no exceptions. We have also been made aware that a particular project has engaged bots on Twitter and Telegram to FUD Glitch and create fear amongst the community and use us as a scapegoat. Use common sense when researching, and don’t fall for these social media tricks used within this industry. We hope that this will foster better communication with people who want to be part of the community and not the problem.

Is Glitch hiring?

11. Yes! We’re growing our core team with qualified candidates around marketing, tech, and operations. You can view the new careers page here:

Looking Ahead

What’s next? Phase III launch on June 6, 2022. The core team has now finished the development of the GRC-20 standard on testnet, is working on additional features for Explorer and Wallet, updating the browser-extension wallet with manifest v3 to add to the chrome store, onboarding new team members, and is completing the reqs to begin the Kurtosis integration and stress testing. All while adding another few nodes to the internal mainnet in the coming weeks.

With all of this said and done, let’s move forward together as a community. Much work is still to be completed, and we’re on the right track. We know that the community might not agree with each decision the team makes, and that’s okay. We’re putting all of our efforts into prioritizing what matters to deliver as planned, and that’s what’s most important. We cannot wait for you to see what we have in store in the months ahead.

Overall, we know that GLITCH will have an extremely bright future if we keep our heads down, deliver, and ignore the noise. We’re working with quality partners and have the connections required to drive this ecosystem forward. We know that transparency and communications are a priority, and we’ll share updates with all of you as often as possible when we have the correct information available. Regardless, we are more confident than ever, and we’re excited to continue delivering on our promises!

Onwards and upwards, let’s continue building together.

Until next month,

— Team Glitch

We’re Hiring

We’re hiring qualified candidates for PT/FT roles across operations, marketing, and engineering. Jumpstart your career and help us take Glitch to the next level. We’re looking to fill these positions very quickly, so apply today. View our new Glitch Careers page to learn more and view the open roles.

About Glitch

GLITCH is a blockchain-agnostic super protocol explicitly designed for trustless money markets and decentralized financial applications (dApps). GLITCH solves the expensive fee structure of other blockchain platforms while simultaneously rewarding all ecosystem participants and guaranteeing low network fees through a unique revenue sharing model. Glitch plans to incorporate token wrapping bridges, where dApps can run more efficiently, all in service of Glitch’s ultimate goal: to become a cornerstone of blockchain infrastructure.

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Glitch Marketing
Glitch Finance

Supporting mass adoption with a blockchain-agnostic, highly scalable, and purpose-built DeFi ecosystem that rewards all participants. Join our journey.