How much does your stuff matter to you?

We’re starting a deliberate living revolution to tackle our throwaway society, trying out new ways of living and working to benefit the planet and our own well-being.

Global Action Plan
Global Action Plan


We want to shake things up and inspire everyone to put their lives — and the world — back in balance. Our mission is to tackle our ‘throwaway’ society because there is no such thing as ‘away’, and having more and more stuff is not making us happy, in fact far from it…

Young people today are less happy than their parents were, rates of mental health issues are spiralling. The pressure people feel to live the ‘perfect life’ and buy ever more stuff is not only pretty bad for us, it turns out — but also pretty disastrous for the planet.

We’ve all seen the trash mountains abroad with bare-foot kids picking their way through them, we’ve gagged at the floating islands of plastic choking everything that swims in the sea, we’ve listened in disbelief as Sir David Attenborough recounts sad statistics about the hundreds of species going extinct every day.

The good news is that millions of young people around the world are starting to demand a very different future. They are reimagining the way they live and work and reinventing how we use and see material things. They are redefining success to be what they want it to be — not what society tells them it should; they are working to live — not living to work. Young people across the globe are choosing to live deliberately — making choices that don’t force hardship on others or ruin our natural environment. They’re bringing about a conscious, kind revolution that focusses on what really matters in life; and you can be part of it.

Are you passionate about creating a very different future for us and the planet? If so, joint the movement.

What am I signing myself up for?

The short answer is — whatever you want — there are no strings, no costs, no contracts, join and leave as you please! There are three important ways that you can help build this better living movement:

(1) You can be an Advocate — and simply receive great ideas and tools to help you make changes in your own life — if you can get friends and family to join you, even better!

(2) You can be an Innovator — getting sneak previews of new initiatives, testing out more conscious products and developing and trialling new ways of living all the while feeding back to the movement on how to shape them to be even better.

(3) Or if you want to go one step further you can be a better life Activist — working with other passionate young people to question and investigate the status quo and come up with attention-grabbing ways to demand better from businesses and political decisions makers.

Whichever role you choose, you are playing an important role in forging a very different future for us and the planet.

Sign up to join our movement at

Originally published at



Global Action Plan
Global Action Plan

We’re on a mission to tackle our throwaway culture and the harmful effects it has on the well-being of each of us and our living world.