Go where you are welcome: Sweden, the best country for quality of life

Patrícia Casaburi
Global Citizen Solutions
5 min readJan 10, 2022

For those who live to travel, it’s no secret that some passports are stronger than others. Japanese passport holders, for instance, can access 192 countries without a visa, while people from Afghanistan can access only 26.

It’s easy to rank passports this way, and that’s exactly what passport indexes do — the more countries a passport holder can visit without needing a visa, the higher it ranks.

But in the age of global citizenship and digital nomads, this is far too simple. Something very important is being overlooked: what it’s like to actually live in the country that’s issuing the passport!

We need a fuller picture, and this is why Global Citizen Solutions has pioneered the Global Passport Index. Our new platform evaluates not only the number of countries that one can visit visa-free with a certain passport, but also investment opportunities and the overall standard of living a nation can offer. Together, these three factors provide a holistic assessment that’s far more useful to those choosing to live abroad.

Why is it so important to look at life in the country that’s issuing the passport? Well, while one country might offer access to more places without a visa, living there may not fit a person’s lifestyle habits or desires. It’s obvious!

Everyone’s different, and our comprehensive Global Passport Index helps people find the country that’s ideal for their unique needs.

In January 2022 we announced our Quality of Life Index, where Sweden takes first place, followed by Finland, Denmark, and Canada. Why does Sweden take the top spot? Let´s take a look below.

Swedish lifestyle: An Ideal Work-Life Balance

Sweden is consistently ranked one of the happiest countries in the world, and the nation’s focus on promoting a relaxed work environment and family togetherness is partially responsible. In Sweden, your job won’t contact you on weekends unless they absolutely have to!

Need some time off? By law, you’re guaranteed five weeks’ paid vacation. Known as the Semesterlagen, this law also enables you to take four of these five weeks consecutively during the months of June, July, and August.

Sweden is also one of the best countries for parental — that’s right, not just maternal — leave. Back in 1974, Sweden was the first country to introduce the concept of shared parental leave.

A couple receives 480 days of leave for each child, which can be split between them as desired. On days taken off, the parent typically receives about 80% of their salary.

Workers in Sweden can also expect unlimited sick days with 80% of their regular salary guaranteed. 120 days are permitted for leave if the employee has a sick child.

Swedes are hardworking and the country has a strong, productive economy in spite of — or perhaps, thanks to — its relaxed, secure approach to work life.

Education and Healthcare

Sweden has a universal healthcare system funded through taxes. It’s not entirely free, but there are caps to what each person has to pay.

For example, hospital costs for inpatients have an upper limit of 100 Swedish krona (about $11) per day, and out of pocket costs for doctor visits can’t exceed 1,150 krona (around $125).

Children under the age of 18 won’t have to pay anything at all.

As for education, Sweden offers a comprehensive program for children and young adults. Preschool and kindergarten are available free of charge to all residents, and universities are also free for Swedish residents and citizens of the European Union (EU) or European Economic Area.

Sweden’s healthcare and education systems are ranked as some of the best in the world by a variety of sources including the Commonwealth Fund and World Population Review.


In the Cato Institute’s Human Freedom Index, Sweden came in at number eight.

Sweden is a constitutional monarchy similar to the United Kingdom — there is a king but he does not have any political power. Freedom of expression and religion are both guaranteed, and Sweden is known for its strong, no-holds-barred investigative journalism.

Gender equality is ranked as the highest in the EU by the European Institute for Gender Equality, with high scores in workplace diversity, political power, and access to gender-specific health services.

As for immigrants, Sweden is one of the most accepting European countries. This is supported by the fact that, in 2020, more than 25% of people in the country had a foreign background.

Sustainable Development Goals and Environmental Performance

Maybe it has something to do with their beautiful forests and spectacular view of the Northern Lights, but Swedes take care of their environment! In fact, it was ranked the most sustainable country in the world in 2013 and has one of the lowest carbon emissions than any other developed country.

This last fact is partly thanks to Sweden’s incredible public transportation system — even people who live in the suburbs don’t typically need to own cars. Furthermore, nearly 50% of Sweden’s energy is produced through hydro, electric, or wind power.

Cost of Living

Sweden’s sounding pretty great! Surely there must be a drawback or two?

Well, cost of living is the one metric where Sweden falls a bit short.

It goes without saying that Sweden’s extensive social programs necessitate higher taxes — a resident can expect to pay about half their income in taxes.

Products in Sweden can also be a bit more expensive than the global average. Some smart shopping can help residents avoid high prices, however.

Sweden does have a high average income, which helps offset the higher tax rate and the cost of living.

Interested in Moving Abroad? Contact Global Citizen Solutions

Sweden is just one of several countries that has both excellent quality of life and a powerful passport (it provides access to 191 countries).

Global Citizen Solutions has a mission: to facilitate global citizenship for those looking to safeguard their personal and financial freedoms. Moving from one country to another, all while staying in touch with friends and family is much easier than it has ever been. Technology has also made it possible for people to realize their dreams of earning an income without being tied to any one location in the world.

We’re here to help you obtain a brand new life. As a boutique investment migration consultancy firm, we can assist with acquiring second residence or citizenship abroad. A world of possibility awaits!

