Effective Urban Blue-Green Infrastructure: Long-Term Solutions for Stormwater Management and Co-Benefits

Robert C. Brears
Global Climate Solutions
4 min readJun 6, 2024


Urban environments face increasing stormwater management challenges due to climate change. Traditional infrastructure often fails, leading cities to adopt blue-green infrastructure (BGI) as a sustainable solution. BGI combines natural and engineered systems to manage water, enhancing biodiversity, air quality, and recreational spaces. This article explores four key BGI implementation issues and solutions: intergenerational planning, sub-catchments and community ownership, restoring natural water flows, and financing.

By Robert C. Brears

Intergenerational Planning: Long-Term Vision for Urban Resilience

Urban development typically focuses on short-term goals, often neglecting the long-term impacts on stormwater management and ecosystem health. This approach can lead to inadequate infrastructure that fails to address future climate conditions and urban growth.

Intergenerational planning involves creating strategies that consider the needs and well-being of future generations. This requires shifting from reactive to proactive planning, incorporating climate projections and growth trends into urban design. Cities can develop comprehensive BGI master plans integrating green roofs, permeable pavements, rain gardens, and urban wetlands. These elements manage stormwater and enhance urban resilience against extreme weather events.

By adopting an intergenerational, cities can ensure that infrastructure investments are sustainable and adaptable. For instance, Singapore’s Active, Beautiful, Clean Waters (ABC Waters) Programme exemplifies this strategy. It transforms water bodies into vibrant community spaces while managing stormwater and improving water quality. Long-term planning frameworks like these help cities mitigate future risks and provide lasting benefits for residents.

Sub-Catchments and Community Ownership: Engaging Local Stakeholders

Effective stormwater management requires collaboration across different scales, from individual properties to entire catchments. However, lack of community engagement and fragmented governance can hinder the implementation of BGI projects.

Dividing urban areas into sub-catchments allows for more localized and effective stormwater management. Each sub-catchment can implement tailored BGI solutions that address specific hydrological and social contexts. Engaging communities in these efforts is crucial for fostering ownership and ensuring the success of BGI projects.

Australia’s $200 million Urban Rivers and Catchments Program is dedicated to restoring the health of urban waterways for native plants, animals, and local communities. Nearly half of all nationally listed threatened animals and a quarter of threatened plants reside in urban areas, coexisting with 96% of Australia’s population. The program funds community-led projects that conserve native species, such as birds, platypus, and native fish, while enhancing water access for improved health and social well-being.

Restoring Natural Water Flows: Enhancing Ecosystem Health

Urbanization often disrupts natural water cycles, leading to increased surface runoff, reduced groundwater recharge, and degraded waterways. This not only exacerbates flooding but also harms urban ecosystems and biodiversity.

Restoring natural water flows is essential for effective stormwater management and ecological health. BGI can mimic natural hydrological processes, reducing runoff and promoting infiltration. Wetlands, bioswales, and green corridors can reconnect fragmented ecosystems and enhance habitat connectivity.

Photo by dan carlson on Unsplash

Cities like Portland, Oregon, have successfully implemented projects that restore natural water flows. The city’s Tabor to the River Program integrates green infrastructure with traditional stormwater systems, reducing combined sewer overflows and improving water quality. By prioritizing the restoration of natural flows, cities can create healthier urban environments that support diverse ecosystems and improve residents’ quality of life.

Financing: Sustainable Investment in Blue-Green Infrastructure

Implementing BGI requires significant financial investment, which can be a barrier for many cities. Traditional funding mechanisms often prioritize grey infrastructure, overlooking the long-term benefits and cost savings of BGI.

Innovative financing models can support the implementation and maintenance of BGI projects. Public-private partnerships (PPPs), green bonds, and environmental impact bonds are some of the mechanisms that can mobilize funding. These models can leverage private investment and distribute financial risks, making BGI projects more feasible.

The City of Philadelphia provides a compelling example of financing BGI through its Green City, Clean Waters initiative. The city uses a combination of federal funding, state grants, and private investment to finance green infrastructure projects. By demonstrating the economic, social, and environmental benefits of BGI, cities can attract diverse funding sources and ensure the sustainability of their infrastructure investments.

The Take-Out

Blue-green infrastructure integrates natural and engineered systems to manage urban stormwater sustainably, offering enhanced biodiversity, improved air quality, and increased recreational spaces.

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Robert C. Brears
Global Climate Solutions

Robert is the author of Financing Water Security and Green Growth (Oxford University Press) and Founder of Our Future Water and Mark and Focus