Financing the Future: Innovative Mechanisms for Scaling Up Nature-Based Solutions to Climate Change

Robert C. Brears
Global Climate Solutions
3 min readJan 11, 2024


As the world focuses on addressing urgent climate challenges, the spotlight is on nature-based solutions as a cost-effective resilience strategy. Despite their promise, a key challenge remains in financing. Traditional funding has often overlooked nature-based solutions in favour of conventional infrastructure projects. However, various innovative financing mechanisms can bridge this gap and scale up nature-based solutions.

By Robert C. Brears

Nature-based solutions have emerged as a compelling, cost-effective way to build resilience against climate change. Using nature’s systems, nature-based solutions aim to mitigate risks and buffer communities against the increasing threats a changing climate poses. Examples range from allowing waterways to meander along their natural courses to help reduce flood risks to conserving coastal mangrove forests to protect nearby homes from storm surges. Despite its promise, financing remains a hurdle, partly because traditional funding models have focused on grey infrastructure, such as dams for flood control or new reservoirs to relieve water shortages, rather than on natural systems. As global attention shifts to pressing climate challenges, exploring alternative financing mechanisms for scaling up nature-based solutions becomes increasingly important.

Payments for Ecosystem Services

Among the leading market-based solutions are Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES). PES incentivizes communities to maintain or enhance valuable ecosystem services like flood control. Payments are directly linked to measurable improvements in ecosystem health, providing a sustainable financing model that can be adapted for various nature-based solutions. PES can be a critical mechanism for financing nature-based solutions, offering a direct revenue line for a sustainably managed ecosystem.

Public-Private Partnerships

Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) offer a collaborative approach to tackle climate adaptation challenges. Traditional PPPs have been used to develop public infrastructure like transportation and utilities, but their scope can be expanded to include nature-based solutions initiatives. The public and private sectors combine their resources and expertise in these partnerships to deliver more efficient solutions. This can range from local nature-based solutions projects to strategic partnerships to protect or restore ecosystems.

Green Bonds

Green bonds are a promising tool to attract investment in environmental projects, including nature-based solutions. These bonds are issued by public and private entities, specifically fund projects that deliver environmental benefits. They provide an opportunity for investors to contribute to sustainability while receiving financial returns. Green bonds can fund projects like sustainable land use, habitat restoration, and other nature-based solutions-related activities. The versatility and attractiveness of green bonds make them a powerful tool for scaling up investment in nature-based solutions initiatives.

The urgency of climate adaptation demands innovative financial solutions.


Exploring mechanisms like PES, PPPs, and green bonds offers promising pathways to fill financing gaps in nature-based solutions. By embracing these innovative financing mechanisms, there’s potential to catalyze global efforts to scale nature-based solutions, aligning financial flows with the urgent need for resilient, sustainable communities.

Robert C. Brears is the founder of Our Future Water, which has knowledge partnerships with various organizations, including the OECD/World Bank/UNEP’s Green Growth Knowledge Platform and the World Bank’s Connect4Climate initiative. He is the author of 14 books, including Financing Water Security and Green Growth (Oxford University Press) and Financing Nature-Based Solutions (Palgrave Macmillan), and the Editor in Chief of The Palgrave Handbook of Climate Resilient Societies. Robert is on the roster of experts (water) for the UN’s Green Climate Fund.



Robert C. Brears
Global Climate Solutions

Robert is the author of Financing Water Security and Green Growth (Oxford University Press) and Founder of Our Future Water and Mark and Focus