Leveraging Private Finance for Climate Change: The Power of Green Bonds, Blended Finance, PPPs, and PES

Robert C. Brears
Global Climate Solutions
3 min readJan 24, 2024


Climate finance is crucial in mitigating climate change and achieving the 1.5°C global warming limit. It funds initiatives that reduce emissions, protect natural solutions, and build resilience in affected populations.

By Robert C. Brears

Traditional financing is insufficient for these global challenges. Innovative climate finance is needed, using creative financial instruments globally and locally. An additional $6 to 10 trillion in global investments is required in the next decade, with 70% expected from the private sector, which controls approximately $410 trillion in assets globally.

Innovative Climate Finance Tools

Innovative climate finance tools are crucial in the climate change fight, including green bonds, blended finance, Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs), and Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES) schemes. They mobilize private sector financing and unlock significant climate mitigation and adaptation investments. Leveraging these mechanisms accelerates progress towards global climate goals.

Green Bonds for Climate Change Adaptation

Green bonds are pivotal financial instruments for climate change adaptation, financing environmentally positive projects like renewable energy, energy-efficient buildings, and sustainable waste management. These bonds provide regular income to investors. The International Capital Market Association’s Green Bond Principles promote transparency and integrity in the green bond market, framing the issuance of green bonds and recognizing potential eligible projects. Investment through green bonds significantly contributes to economic planning for climate change adaptation.

Blended Finance for Achieving the Paris Agreement

Blended finance uses public finance to mobilize private finance for sustainable development in developing countries. It funds investments typically seen as ‘too risky’ or with returns not matching risk. Crucial for financing climate change adaptation and mitigation, it helps achieve the Paris Agreement goals by leveraging public and philanthropic capital into private capital. By attracting commercial capital to sustainable development projects offering financial returns, blended finance expands resources available to developing countries, complementing their investments and Official Development Assistance inflows.

Public-Private Partnerships in Renewable Energy Sector

PPPs are pivotal in financing climate change adaptation and mitigation projects, especially in the renewable energy sector. These partnerships share risks, rewards, and responsibilities between the public sector and businesses. They are instrumental in various stages of renewable energy infrastructure projects, from design and funding to construction, management, and operation. PPPs ensure efficient resource use and promote sustainable practices in the renewable energy sector, contributing to climate change mitigation efforts and attracting necessary funding for critical projects.

Payments for Ecosystem Services Schemes

PES schemes are strategic tools for financing climate change adaptation. These arrangements, where buyers and sellers engage in practices to secure environmental services, contribute significantly to ecosystem-based adaptation (EBA). PES schemes enhance ecosystem services and adaptive capacity, incentivizing climate change adaptation measures. EBA uses biodiversity and ecosystem services to reduce vulnerability to climate change, benefiting greatly from PES schemes. Investment in natural environments through PES often represents better value than technological solutions, emphasizing its importance in economic planning for climate change adaptation.

Conclusion: Mobilizing Resources Against Climate Change

Innovative financial tools like green bonds, blended finance, PPPs, and PES schemes are crucial for mobilizing resources against climate change. They unlock investments for climate mitigation and promote sustainable practices across sectors. Leveraging these instruments can accelerate progress towards global climate goals and ensure a sustainable future. The fight against climate change is a shared responsibility requiring strategic investment and collaboration.

Robert C. Brears is the founder of Our Future Water, which has knowledge partnerships with various organizations, including the OECD/World Bank/UNEP’s Green Growth Knowledge Platform and the World Bank’s Connect4Climate initiative. He is the author of 14 books, including Financing Water Security and Green Growth (Oxford University Press) and Financing Nature-Based Solutions (Palgrave Macmillan), and the Editor in Chief of The Palgrave Handbook of Climate Resilient Societies. Robert is on the roster of experts (water) for the UN’s Green Climate Fund.



Robert C. Brears
Global Climate Solutions

Robert is the author of Financing Water Security and Green Growth (Oxford University Press) and Founder of Our Future Water and Mark and Focus