The Role of AI in Environmental Protection: From Forests to Oceans

Robert C. Brears
Global Climate Solutions
5 min readJun 13, 2024


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing various sectors, and its potential for environmental protection is particularly promising. From monitoring deforestation to tracking marine life, AI technologies are enhancing our ability to understand and protect the natural world. This article explores the diverse applications of AI in safeguarding our forests and oceans, highlighting its importance and the benefits it brings to environmental conservation.

By Robert C. Brears

AI in Forest Conservation

Forests are vital to the health of our planet, providing oxygen, storing carbon, and supporting biodiversity. However, deforestation and illegal logging pose significant threats. AI can address these challenges through advanced monitoring and predictive analytics:

  • Satellite Imagery and Machine Learning: AI-powered satellite imagery analysis allows for real-time forest monitoring. Machine learning algorithms can detect changes in forest cover, identify areas of illegal logging, and predict deforestation hotspots. These insights enable authorities to take timely action to protect vulnerable areas.
  • Drone Surveillance: Equipped with AI, drones can survey large forest areas quickly and efficiently. They can capture high-resolution images and videos, which AI algorithms analyze to identify signs of illegal activities such as logging or poaching. This technology provides a cost-effective way to monitor remote and inaccessible regions.
  • Predictive Analytics for Forest Management: AI can analyze historical data and conditions to predict future forest health and growth trends. This information helps plan sustainable forestry practices, ensuring that logging and reforestation efforts are balanced and effective.

AI in Ocean Conservation

The oceans cover over 70% of the Earth’s surface and are crucial for regulating the climate and supporting marine life. Yet, they face numerous threats, including pollution, overfishing, and climate change. AI technologies are being deployed to tackle these issues and promote ocean health:

  • Marine Species Tracking: AI-powered sensors and underwater cameras monitor marine species and their habitats. Machine learning algorithms analyze the collected data to track marine animals’ movements, behaviors, and population trends. This information is essential for creating effective conservation strategies and marine protected areas.
  • Pollution Detection: AI can help identify and track sources of ocean pollution. For instance, AI algorithms can analyze satellite images to detect oil spills, plastic waste, and other pollutants. This capability allows for quicker response and cleanup efforts, mitigating the environmental impact.
  • Fisheries Management: Overfishing is a significant threat to marine ecosystems. AI can assist in sustainable fisheries management by analyzing data on fish populations, migration patterns, and fishing activities. Predictive models can forecast fish stock levels, helping to set sustainable catch limits and prevent overfishing.

Cross-Cutting AI Applications

Beyond specific ecosystems, AI has several cross-cutting applications that benefit both forest and ocean conservation:

  • Climate Change Modeling: AI enhances climate models by processing vast amounts of data from various sources, including weather patterns, sea levels, and greenhouse gas emissions. Improved models provide more accurate predictions, helping policymakers develop effective strategies to mitigate climate change impacts on forests and oceans.
  • Citizen Science: AI-powered apps and platforms enable citizen scientists to contribute to environmental monitoring. For example, individuals can use their smartphones to record wildlife sightings or report pollution, and AI algorithms aggregate and analyze the data to provide valuable insights.
  • Data Integration and Sharing: AI facilitates the integration of data from multiple sources, creating comprehensive databases that support research and policymaking. AI-powered shared data platforms allow scientists, conservationists, and governments to collaborate more effectively on environmental protection efforts.

Fishial.AI: Revolutionizing Fish Conservation with Artificial Intelligence

Fishial.AI is a groundbreaking initiative that leverages the power of AI to revolutionize fish conservation. Sponsored by The Wye Foundation, the project aims to create a highly accurate, open-source AI model to identify fish species worldwide.

The project’s primary goal is to build the world’s most extensive open-source fish species image library labeled for AI machine learning. The project has collected over 851,678 fish images and curated 100,954 of them. The AI model has successfully identified 289 species.

The Fishial.AI project is not just about creating an AI model; it’s about building a global community. The vision extends beyond the development of a precise fish species identification model. It aims to create a global community of fish enthusiasts, scientists, and conservationists who can contribute to and benefit from the open-source AI solution.

By allowing people worldwide to identify fish species effortlessly, Fishial.AI empowers everyone to participate in fish research, environmental protection, and the broader understanding of our aquatic ecosystems. This democratization of knowledge and technology is a significant step towards global fish conservation.


AI is a powerful tool in the fight to protect our environment. Its forest and ocean conservation applications already yield significant benefits, from enhancing monitoring capabilities to improving predictive analytics. As AI technology advances, its role in environmental protection will only grow, offering new and innovative ways to preserve our planet’s natural resources. By harnessing the power of AI, we can create a more sustainable future for both forests and oceans, ensuring their health and vitality for generations to come.

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Robert C. Brears
Global Climate Solutions

Robert is the author of Financing Water Security and Green Growth (Oxford University Press) and Founder of Our Future Water and Mark and Focus