You wouldn’t believe just how many Experts were wrong about the Inter-Korean Summit!

Alexander Adam Laurence
Diplomacy Asia
Published in
2 min readApr 27, 2018

Op-Ed/Tweets vs News Reports

Last updated 29/4/2018.

1. “Kim Jong Un has a different definition of ‘Denuclearisation’”

Turned out to be wrong…
From the White House
“I don’t think denuclearisation has different meanings for South and North Korea,’ said Moon. ‘The North is expressing a will for a complete denuclearisation.”
From the President of the United States

2. “Kim Jong Un’s goal is to denuclearise the whole region, including the US garrison”

Turned out to be wrong…

It is important to understand that, South Korea currently holds no nuclear weapons. South Korea has the USA as their nuclear umbrella, but there are no nuclear weapons south of the MDL. A removal of nuclear weapons in the “korean peninsula” ultimately entails the removal of nuclear weapons in North Korea. This is especially important to note given that North Korea does not refer to itself as ‘North Korea’, nor does it view South Korea as ‘South Korea’. It recognises one nation under one peninsula, which explains the choice of language.

3. “Ah, but that site has already collapsed. Nice try, Kim.”

Turned out to be wrong…

US intelligence agrees with the assessment that Punggye-ri is still usable despite a report saying that it collapsed.

On top of this, Kim sets a date for closure in May coupled with fully transparent international verification.

4. “The Olympics will not improve the north korea crisis”

Turned out to be wrong…

This one really annoyed me. Here’s the Rep. Korea Ministry of Foreign Affairs speaking publically to the world, attributing the Olympics as a key point in improving relations with the North.

“[the winter games] was an opportunity to jump start talks with north korea after long a period of non-engagement and rising tension”


However, still no word from Ankit…. I’m starting to think perhaps we shouldn’t buy into the words of these people...

5. “We are in a state of perpetual tension, there are no options left”

Turned out to be wrong…

6. “Everything reported is from second-hand anecdotal evidence”

Turned out to be wrong…

A day later, a statement from the DPRK emerged supporting Moon’s words.

7. “This is all one big trap that I, an intellectual, have figured out”

Turned out to be wrong…

So why do respectable media outlets insist on inviting these hacks for interviews? Answers in the comments below.

