What is ERC777?

Kate Malkova
Global Crypto Alliance & GCNews.io
2 min readOct 22, 2019

ERC777 is the latest, most modern standard for Ethereum tokens. The 777 inherits all the strong points of its predecessor, but improves on the issues it had.

Let’s look into how it is different from the more familiar ERC20. It’ll only take you a few minutes!

1. ERC777 includes ERC20 inside of it and also contains a number of amazing innovations and functions that previous standards never had.

2. ERC777 allows different cryptocurrencies within Ethereum to cross-transact on a single platform.

3. ERC777 allows certain functions to execute within a smart contract with just one transaction that would otherwise require the user to do two transactions to invoke. This eases the load on the network and reduces transaction fees

4. A properly developed ERC777 token can be stored and managed completely from any regular, common Ethereum wallet, just like ERC20 tokens.

5. ERC777 can recognize unsuitable smart contracts where your tokens could get locked.

The ERC777 standard token is the first of its kind to be capable of almost everything that Ether is capable of, in addition to being fully customizable and expandable: companies can fine-tune its features to serve their needs.

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