A Western Farmers Market & a Recipe for Spring Vegetable and Bean Soup

Stephanie Arsenault
Global Dish
Published in
3 min readApr 23, 2012
Spring Vegetable & Bean Soup

Word on the street is there’s a new farmers market coming to town. And by “street” I mean the news, and by “town” I mean Calgary and area {had to clarify…}.

If you know me at all, you know this is a big deal. I’m a bit of a fiend; a fiend of farmed goods, if you will. In fact, I was thinking of buying a share in a local farm so I could get fresh produce every week during the summer, but now I’m reconsidering because it may inhibit my regular farmers market visits. I know… I have a problem. But as far as addictions are concerned, I think this is an alright one to have.

As the opening of this and other city markets inches closer, I can’t help but think about what vegetable-packed dishes I’ll be creating soon. Colourful salads, flavoursome soups, grilled sides — the opportunities are endless and the creations are delicious. I can’t wait.

Dried Beans

For now, I make do with what is available at the market; and, as time passes there will be more variety. Regardless of the amount of selection, there are always a few tasty ingredients that are perfect for a nice spring soup like this Spring Vegetable & Bean Soup. It’s made in the slow cooker, so it keeps you away from standing over a hot stove on hot days, and requires just a few minutes of prep.

As for the new market, it opens on April 28th. Check out their website for more information, including hours, location, and vendors.

Spring Vegetable & Bean Soup
Serves 4–6

2 cups dried beans of your choice, soaked overnight, rinsed, and drained
4 stalks celery, sliced
4 medium carrots, peeled and sliced
2 handfuls of green beans, ends trimmed, cut into 1 inch pieces
1 medium white onion, diced
3 cloves garlic, smashed and minced
3 cups chicken or vegetable stock
1 (28oz/796ml) can diced tomatoes
1 teaspoon Italian seasoning
1 bay leaf
½ teaspoon red pepper flakes (optional)
¼ cup fresh chopped Italian parsley
Sea salt and pepper, to taste

Combine beans, celery, carrots, green beans, onion, garlic, stock, tomatoes, seasoning, bay leaf, and red pepper flakes (if using) in a slow cooker. Turn on high for 3–4 hours or until beans and vegetables are tender. Stir in parsley, and add salt and pepper to taste. Serve immediately.

Have more vegetables? Substitute some of the ones in the recipe for any in-season ones you’d like to use. Some suggestions: zucchini, asparagus (put them in ½ way through cooking), spinach (stir in at the end of cooking and let rest for 5 minutes), and baby potatoes.

