Spectacular Storms & a Recipe for Fresh Bruschetta

Stephanie Arsenault
Global Dish
Published in
2 min readJun 7, 2012

It was mighty humid the other day. The air was so thick it I could practically feel the steamy substance flowing into my nose, and down into my lungs. The scent {oh, the scent!} of all the delightful plants permeated the condensed air; a natural perfume of lilacs, pine needles, and grass.

Fresh Bruschetta

The strangeness led to a spectacular thunder storm; one that sent torrential amounts of rain to the ground along with lightning and hail that battered the city. I was home alone that night, watching the black forest light up every few seconds, jumping at the loud clap of thunder that followed each flash.

I was tempted to hide in a closet, camp out under the kitchen table, or call my mom, but it was late. I ignored my inner coward and opted for a distraction instead. Out came the cutting board, a container of fresh basil, some garlic, and a few ripe tomatoes. I methodically chopped, sliced, and minced the ingredients; wincing a little less at the storm outside as the task took over my mind.

Fresh Bruschetta

Relaxation set in completely after I stirred the bowl of bruschetta, broiled a couple slices of olive oil-drizzled bread, and took my first bite.

Not even a storm like of this magnitude one matters when there’s something as delicious as Fresh Bruschetta and a glass of red wine in front of me…

Fresh Bruschetta

Fresh Bruschetta
Serves 4

3 large, ripe tomatoes, diced
½ cup fresh chopped basil
2 cloves garlic, smashed and minced
2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
1–2 teaspoons balsamic vinegar
Sea salt and pepper, to taste

Combine tomatoes, basil, garlic, and olive oil in a medium bowl. Add 1–2 teaspoons balsamic vinegar, to taste, and sea salt and pepper, to taste. Serve immediately or leave for 12–24 hours for optimal flavour. Serve with small toasted or grilled slices of bread.

