Nine To-Do’s that could Change Your Life at a Global Conference

Kenia Afreeka
Global Entrepreneurship Summit
3 min readJul 4, 2016
A snapshot of global innovators creating positive social impact. That’s me beside the hashtag :)

Last month I participated in what turned out to be one of the most significant and meaningful experiences of my life, the Global Entrepreneurship Summit June 22–24, at Stanford University. I was proud to be one of four Jamaican women who held the flag high as we attended the premier global entrepreneurship event of the year, as prestigious as it was practical and hands-on.

Me gripping the mic for dear life during the Spark the Fire Pitch competition. It worked!

To be in Silicon Valley, the heart of US innovation, with over 700 other global entrepreneurs, 150 investors and see up close our host US President Barack Obama himself was truly humbling. And winning the Startup Award at the Spark the Fire Pitch Competition was beyond my wildest expectations!

But before I even got there, I wondered how I could make the most of the experience and how to know I was doing the right things. Here’s what I wished someone had told me:

  1. Look up from that phone and smile. The best part about networking events is of course meeting amazing people at an accelerated pace in just a few magical days. At #GES2016, every chance meeting was a window to an inspiring story of someone I never knew thousands of miles away going through things I could relate to, and new challenges I’d never thought of. All our stories from around the world brought us together, and sharing them is important in building bridges. Looking everyone you meet in the eye shows you care about their journey.
  2. Download Uber before you get there. For those of us international travelers, that text message to confirm the app’s installation may not come to your phone if you’re not roaming!
  3. Get a local sim in case you didn’t get to do #2. And also because WiFi has a pesky way of disappearing just the moment you’re stranded at a large venue, and you need to tell your ride where you are.
  4. If you must wear heels (ladies), always pack a pair of flats in your bag. Day 1 will be fine. It’s on days 2 and 3 that your calves will thank you!
  5. Speaking of fashion, brighten up! I think wearing yellows, reds and brightly coloured cultural prints are actually pretty cool at a business conference. It’s OK to be excited and show it! Personality is a big part of who you are. Pack it and wear it every day.
  6. Carry 2 power chargers for your phone, 1 for the phone and the other for the battery pack so you can charge them both at the same time. Because if things are going well, your phone will die by 10 am.
  7. Print 500 business cards before you get there. And don’t forget them. Even if there’s contact sharing tech at the event such as the really cool Pokens we got, biz cards help to differentiate your brand and will still work even if your contact sharing or mobile device dies (see #6 above).
  8. Take notes as you go. You’re going to meet hundreds of amazing persons with similar points of interest but you may not be so great with names. Jot down discussion points on business cards or in a daily summary so the conversations can continue seamlessly online.
  9. “Be present in the moment.” Someone told me that a Kenyan entrepreneur Tonee Ndungu said this. And I think it’s brilliant. Revel in the preparation you made which brought you this far, plus the opportunity you have to connect with the world. My experience at #GES2016 expanded my horizons beyond my wildest expectations, and also made the world feel so much smaller and more connected at the same time. And for that, in every moment I was present and thankful.

