Meet GES Delegate: Dr. Taghizade Leyla

Global Entrepreneurship Summit
2 min readJun 3, 2016

Organization Website:

Organization Name :HealthBox

Country of Origin: Azerbaijan

Twitter handle: //


What inspired you to start this organization? My generation-millennials- grew up in very difficult period for our country. We are the children of war. So, I know how wars crush and military conflicts negatively affect healthcare system. The idea of a mobile application which will enhance access to medical services was born while I was seeing people around me suffering from results of the Nagorno-Karabagh conflict. Our team decided to develop this service to allow our underserved population to access medicines and healthcare whenever they need. By using this application, patients will be able to send information about their health status directly to medical institutions and pharmacies

Brief Description of Organization: Our company helps underserved populations access medical services more effectively. HealthBox is free for patients as a mobile application which scans medical prescriptions and sends them to the pharmacies which offer delivery of medicines as per doctors or patients request.

We believe that our mobile application will revolutionize the way of delivering of medical services .

What has been your biggest obstacle as an entrepreneur? When you develop a totally new product, especially when it concerns health, you have to consider ethics and comply with local and international legislation. We have faced some problems with a little bit outdated legislative base. That’s frustrating when legislation does not keep up technology. But I think many companies face similar problems worldwide. You just have to be adaptive.

What is the next big step you hope to help your organization reach? We are looking to enter new international markets - Turkey, Russia, Georgia and African markets.

What advice would you give other emerging entrepreneurs?Entrepreneurship demands special way of thinking and behaviour. I think entrepreneurs must have a strong sense of mission.You must be adaptive, have systematic thinking, and be independent enough… and don’t think only of profit, consider also how your business can be helpful for people.



Global Entrepreneurship Summit

Mobile application for patients to reach pharmacies remotely