Entrepreneurs and Investors Selected for the 2016 Global Entrepreneurship Summit

GES 2016
Global Entrepreneurship Summit
5 min readJun 17, 2016

The United States is proud to announce that over 700 entrepreneurs and more than 300 investors have been selected to attend the 2016 Global Entrepreneurship Summit, to be held June 22–24 at Stanford University, in Palo Alto, California.

The GES participants were selected from more than 5,000 entrepreneurs from across the world who submitted applications. These applicants demonstrate that innovation exists in every corner of the globe.

Applications were reviewed by a committee of experts comprised of business and industry leaders including founders of incubators, venture capitalists, finance professionals, and start-up founders. The selected entrepreneurs represent 170 countries and territories. One hundred and fifty of the GES delegates have been specially selected to participate in GES+, a day-long event focused on the most promising youth and women entrepreneurs. GES 2016 is a global event that highlights innovators, pioneers, and problem-solvers across the international community, while inspiring a generation of leaders to use their ideas to change the world.

Applicants include entrepreneurs who are harnessing technology to solve some of the world’s most intractable problems, innovators who are driving solutions for target populations such as adolescent girls and refugee communities, and others who are creating new markets and expanding industries like manufacturing, services, and energy in their countries. GES applicants illustrate the impressive potential to create enterprises that deliver positive solutions to consumers, communities, and countries, regardless of scope or scale.

More than 300 investors and supporters of the entrepreneur ecosystem have also been selected as GES delegates, representing some of the best examples of entrepreneurial spirit and innovation. GES will be an opportunity for these investors and supporters to connect with entrepreneurs and discover new solutions and opportunities for the markets where they invest.

“One of the principal goals of GES is to increase the opportunities available to promising entrepreneurs from around the world through access to capital and mentorship,” said U.S. Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker. “By welcoming an unprecedented number of investors to this year’s GES, we are able to achieve this goal and showcase the talent, solutions, and opportunity that exist around the world directly to investors.”

In welcoming top entrepreneurs and investors from around the world to Silicon Valley, the U.S. government hopes they will be inspired to incubate, invest in, and develop their full potential. This is the core of GES: make lasting connections that help entrepreneurs succeed and transform innovative ideas into reality.

Background on Selected Entrepreneurs: The over 700 entrepreneurs — approximately 100 coming from each of the world’s major geographic regions — represent a broad range of industries. The largest share of those entrepreneurs selected come from the information technology (94 attendees), education (91 attendees), technology (56 attendees), health (54 attendees) and energy (44 attendees) industries. Selected entrepreneurs also represent the artisan sector, innovative agriculture, and the creative industries. From pre-launch concepts to startups that have already secured substantial investment to individuals working on their fourth venture, these entrepreneurs represent all stages of business development. For additional background, visit:http://www.ges2016.org/ges-by-numbers/

Women entrepreneurs not only fuel economic growth, but also drive the innovations needed to address some of the most critical challenges the world faces. The selection process reflects this fact; 50 percent of entrepreneurs selected to attend GES are women.

Representing the most technologically empowered generation the world has ever seen, the average age of registered entrepreneurs is 36. The oldest entrepreneur is 69 years old, while the youngest invited entrepreneur is 11 years old.

Individual GES delegates are sharing their stories on Medium. Hira Rizvi, of Pakistan, started She`Kab, a shared taxi service that provides women with a safe and reliable way to get to work. Dr. Bishal Dhakal, of Nepal, started “Health at Home,” a healthcare service delivery organization. Further delegate profiles can be found here: https://medium.com/global-entrepreneurship-summit/tagged/delegate-profiles.

Background on Selected Investors and Entrepreneur Ecosystem Supporters:Investors and representatives from organizations that support entrepreneurs were hand-picked to catalyze investment, networking, mentoring, and hands-on activities. More than 300 of these individuals were invited to GES, representing 65 countries and territories:

Regional Breakdown of Selected Investors/Ecosystem Supporters

Africa (sub-Sahara) 35

East Asia and the Pacific 14

Europe and Eurasia 24

Near East (North Africa, Middle East) 28

South and Central Asia 11

Western Hemisphere 23

United States 182

As compiled based on investor/ecosystem supporter country of primary business operation.

While good ideas originate everywhere, access to capital and opportunity is far from universal. These individuals reflect the broad spectrum of accelerators, corporations, foundations, funds and venture capital representatives

Industry of Invited Entrepreneurs:

>90 Entrepreneurs

Information Technology 94

Education 91

30–90 Entrepreneurs

Technology 56

Health 54

Energy 44

Agriculture 34

Consulting 31

Food & Beverage 30

10–25 Entrepreneurs

Fashion 21

Consumer Products 19

Manufacturing 19

Tourism 15

Financial Services 14

Web Services 14

Transportation 13

Apparel & Accessories 12

10 Or Fewer Entrepreneurs

Communications 8

Employment 8

Entertainment and Recreation 8

Media and Broadcasting 8

Electronics 7

Medical Devices and Supplies 7

Telecommunications 7

Advertising 6

Biotech 5

Aerospace 4

Aerospace 4

Automotive 4

Beauty and Cosmetics 4

Constructions 4

Real Estate 4

Sports 4

3 Or Fewer Entrepreneurs

Computer 3

Retail Services 3

Video Games 3

Motion Pictures 2

Public Administration 2

Publishing 2

Travel 2

Utilities 2

Accounting 1

Insurance 1

Journalism and News 1

Legal Services 1

Music 1

Pharmaceuticals 1

Accommodations 1

Note: Due to rounding and reporting errors, industries may have slight variances.

Event Background: President Barack Obama will host the seventh annual Global Entrepreneurship Summit (GES) at Stanford University, June 22–24, 2016. GES is a reflection of the U.S. government’s commitment to utilize entrepreneurship as a foundational tool to ensure more communities around the worldare economically prosperous, secure and globally connected. For more information:www.GES2016.org.


Accreditation: All press who plan to attend the Summit must have applied for a GES media credential. The accreditation request period has now closed.

Interview Requests: Depending on available resources, the United States may be able to connect journalists with invited entrepreneurs. To request an interview, please email summitmedia@state.gov(subject lined “GES — Entrepreneur Interview Request for (Insert Requested Country) noting your name, media organization, country or region of requested entrepreneurs, theme/topic or nature of the interview if pertinent, and specific deadline or time parameters if applicable.

Contact Information: For additional information or logistical inquiries, please contact the GES Media Team at summitmedia@state.gov.



GES 2016
Global Entrepreneurship Summit

7th Annual Global Entrepreneurship Summit: Silicon Valley June 22–24, 2016