Meet GES Delegate: Camélia Drissi

Camélia Drissi
Global Entrepreneurship Summit
3 min readJun 19, 2016

Twitter handle: @CAMELIADRISSI

Country of Origin: Morocco

Organization: SkillsMotion


Brief Description of Organization:

SkillsMotion is a social enterprise that aims at improving youth employment.

We help young graduates better promote themselves with unique Video-Résumés and catchy web CVs. We also provide them with creative training workshops to master their soft skills and develop their interpersonal relations.

SkillsMotion makes it easy and fast for companies to have a 360° view of young graduates’ profiles by pre-screening their Video-Résumés and web CVs in our platform

A good part of our profits are dedicated to offering free soft skills training for young graduates who are suffering from social exclusion.

What inspired you to start this organization?

Circumstances: Since 2005, I’ve worked as a project manager of several infrastructures to improve work conditions of rural people in more than 30 regions in Morocco. In parallel, I was passionate about personal development. I also participated in the International Visitor Leadership Program in 2013 and developed a particular interest in social entrepreneurship.

After nine years, I decided to turn my passion for building sustainable infrastructures to building better futures for young people.

I spent two years conceiving and testing a few social business ideas. I ended up with launching SkillsMotion as I strongly believe that empowering youth through soft skills development and providing them with new self-marketing tools will have a significant impact in their career lives.

What is the next big step you hope to help your organization reach?

Having a two-sided market, we started with building the community of young graduates by providing soft skills training, producing video-resumes, and conducting demo-sessions to help them learn how to pitch and make unique video-CVs.

As most young graduates are currently defending their graduation thesis, our big next step is to activate the matching service of our platform by acquiring our customers (companies seeking to hire Moroccan young talents). How? We are preparing a big surprise for both companies, candidates, and also YOU if you want to join us as a partner !

Soft-Skills Training seminar, February 2016

What has been your biggest obstacle as an entrepreneur?

My first biggest obstacle was accepting that we would be launching SkillsMotion with some imperfections. Currently we need financing to build a permanent team and grow fast.

What advice would you give other emerging entrepreneurs?

Focus on building good and sustainable relationships with your customers. They are the future ambassadors of your enterprise. Always follow-up to measure their satisfaction, and also give a little bit more than what they expect from you. And for social entrepreneurs: always set up financial goals. It must be clear so that you ensure the financial sustainability of your social enterprise, especially when your social enterprise is registered as L.L.C.

Presenting SkillsMotion at MENA SOCIAL ENTERPRISE FORUM, March 18, 2016

