Meet GES Delegate: Carlos Javier Libreros Muñoz

Carlos Libreros
Global Entrepreneurship Summit
3 min readMay 25, 2016

Name: Carlos Javier Libreros Muñoz

Twitter handle: @PanueloDeLaPaz

Country of Origin: Colombia

Organization Name: Juan Libreros — Peace & Handkerchief

Organization Website:

Brief Description of Organization

Since last October, 2015, I decided to promote an idea of entrepreneurship with social sense, honoring the name of my son of 21 months age; Juan Diego. Juan Libreros is a entrepreneurship about clothing and accessories for men and women with social sense. The Peace Handkerchief is its first creation.

The Peace Handkerchief represents a gesture of reflection and change between people or with the world, contributing to peace in my country and the world, and breaking the paradigm of how to express love, how to be in peace.

What inspired you to start this organization?

I was inspired to create a tool to help overcome conflict between people anywhere in the world. Especially the armed conflict of my country; Colombia.

According to a report by Colombia’s National Centre for Historical Memory, 220,000 people have died in the conflict and more than five million civilians have been forced from their homes. This is why the manufacturing of The Peace Handkerchief will be done by men and women who were displaced by the armed Colombian conflict.

What is the next big step you hope to help your organization reach?

My next big step is to raise awareness about of the Peace Handkerchief, so we can raise the necessary funds for manufacture and delivery of The Peace Handkerchief.

I have a dream that one day the peace handkerchief will be a tool that helps get peace in Colombia and the World. I imagine children, youth and adults performing this act of love and peace within their families, schools, universities, companies, and especially between victims and perpetrators of armed conflict. I imagine performing this act between victims and victimizers (Civilians, Army, Guerrillas).

What has been your biggest obstacle as an entrepreneur?

My biggest obstacle as an entrepreneur has been Colombia’s political polarization: people like me who want peace in Colombia, and others who do not. The Peace Handkerchief breaks paradigms, generates change. Also, throughout my life, I have understood that when a person is recognized positively, it motivates them to perpetuate the good behavior.

What advice would you give other emerging entrepreneurs?

It’s important in entrepreneurship to create a network with like-minded people. We must learn from the success of others, obtain new clients, expand your knowledge, and tell others about your enterprise.



Carlos Libreros
Global Entrepreneurship Summit

Creator of The Peace Handkerchief. Disruptive Engineer, Speaker & Coach; expert in the fields of Storytelling & Thought Disruptive. @LibrerosCali on Twitter.