Meet GES Delegate: Cynthia English

Cynthia English
Global Entrepreneurship Summit
2 min readJun 13, 2016
Cynthia English. Za’atari — Jordan

Name: Cynthia English

Twitter handle: @globalscribes

Country of Origin: USA

Graduate of The Marshall School, USC

Organization Name: Global Scribes: Youth Uniting Nations®

Organization Website:

Facebook: Global Scribes

Instagram: @globalscribes

Pinterest: Global Scribes

Brief Description of Organization: Global Scribes is a global youth-driven non-profit education initiative with a truly monumental objective — to contribute to world peace. In the interest of making the world of tomorrow a safer place for the youth of today, Global Scribes facilitates healthy, culturally-enriching relationships within an environment free from politics, religion, and socio-demographic segregation. We focus on global journeys through the written word, visual & audio arts, dynamic interaction, and consistent interplay across multiple virtual platforms–Fun, Education, Focused Passion and Play Intertwined. For Youth, By Youth - working together to build a world of friendship where solid global foundations can thrive.

What inspired you to start this organization? I suddenly found myself living with a broken kneecap, in the middle of nowhere, with one of my parents. How does that happen? Life happens. The Universe shut me down to stop and think. What can I give back? An online course, The Artist’s Way, watching and listening to young and old global citizens, noting we are all just people–with more similarities, than differences. Finally asking myself, ‘what are we doing?’ How might I help the youth of today turn the tides of our current global trajectory to create a cleaner/healthier/safer world–a world of possibilities, not of fear and struggle?

What is the next big step you hope to help your organization reach? Although we are a registered 501c3 non.profit corporation in the United States, one of our goals is to be self-sustaining. Since early 2014, we have been focusing on Awareness & Participation–now we must focus on the Funding to launch 2 of our 3 revenue driving B-Corps. These 3 revenue drivers are all entwined within the foundation of Global Scribes and building any one of them, will concurrently help to build the others.

What have been your biggest obstacles as an entrepreneur? Learning that every once in a while, you just need to take a moment; that patience is sometimes required, and that shut doors just present new opportunities.

What advice would you give other emerging entrepreneurs? Go for it!! There is no bad idea. Some may need to be tweaked, yes. Some may fail. Some may be amazing successes! But how will you know if you don’t try. The worst that can happen is you never tried. Old advice, but true. It isn’t easy. It is a lot of long, hard hours–but hours of pure joy when you see your dream come to life–a young person laughing, a robot singing, a farm prospering, code working…Try not to overthink things, believe in yourself, persevere, & just go for it!

