Meet GES Delegate: Daniel Perciante

Daniel Perciante
Global Entrepreneurship Summit
2 min readJun 16, 2016

Name: Daniel Perciante

Twitter handler: @DanielPerciante

Country: Uruguay

Organization name: Nettra

Web Site:

About our Organization: In Nettra, we develop hardware and software solutions to transform distributed infrastructures into smart ones. Recently we developed a general purpose telemetry system to collect data from remote locations. Once in the cloud, we process that data to add value and transform it in useful information for decision making purposes. Currently, our system is being used for the monitoring of water distribution networks, groundwater pumping systems, weather stations near high voltage transmission lines, and other applications where having the right information in the right time is critical to predict potential problems and act proactively to avoid or minimize their negative impact.

What inspired you to start this organization? We wanted to develop technology that contributes to build better, sustainable cities and environments to live in.

What is the next big step you hope to help your organization reach? Our goal is to make the company grow so our solutions are used throughout the Americas.

What has been your biggest obstacle as an entrepreneur? To start a technology company from the ground up is not an easy task in Uruguay. Once funded and working, to make the company grow is even more difficult. Probably there are many obstacles but the way people think is the biggest one. The most common comments about our company in the early stages were like “in Uruguay you can’t develop good electronic systems” or “you can’t compete with existent solutions”. But we think different and, with time, we are demonstrating that in fact we can, even knowing that the process is hard and slow.

What advice would you give other emerging entrepreneurs? Be confident in your ideas, be patient and work hard to achieve your goals. And when you fail …… just work harder.



Daniel Perciante
Global Entrepreneurship Summit

CEO of Nettra. Professor and researcher at the Catholic University of Uruguay