Meet GES Delegate: Euchar Sultana

Euchar Sultana
Global Entrepreneurship Summit
2 min readJun 16, 2016
Discussing VaultSpot and sharing some ideas — I’m the tall guy on the right :)

Organization Name: Vaultspot

Name: Euchar Sultana

Twitter Handle: @eucharsultana

Country of Origin: Malta

Description of the Organization: VaultSpot is a mobile messaging application that provides instant information to travellers on the street who require instant information. With the use of mobile messaging, travellers will send out short queries through their mobile device. VaultSpot travel advisors will assist by providing the appropriate information in the shortest time span possible. The first prototype version of VaultSpot is now available for iOS mobile devices and will service travellers in central London. The communication is as simple as chatting with your friends to organise a good night out. The policy of the company is to keep it “Short” and “Simple”; two keywords that every traveller would need to adhere to while using VaultSpot.

What inspired you to start this organisation? I often spend a lot of time travelling without enough time to plan ahead, and number of times was out on the street and had to reach out to a passerby or information booth to gather information to get me somewhere - good restaurant, catching the right bus, finding the right place, etc. My belief is that in 2016 with all the technologies we have, we don’t need information desks anymore. It’s a waste of space and resources that could be fixed by technology.

What is the next big step you hope to help your organization reach? To reach out to the market and get a big enough user base to test the product and build on it; We are looking for people in London to test our product for free. If you’re living in London or going to visit London soon we encourage you to reach out to us.

What has been your biggest obstacle as an entrepreneur? Access to funding! When we bring about disruptive ideas on the market these normally come at a huge financial expense - especially to develop, test and scale-up. It is not always an easy ride when you have to take tough decisions and take risks that can affect you and those around you.

What advice would you give other emerging entrepreneurs? My best advice would be to go for it and do whatever it takes to enjoy what you’re doing. There is no better person to develop an idea then the person who comes up with it. If you own an idea, you’re in the best position to do what it takes to make it happen. And if you fail, learn and get over it. The person who never fails is the one who never tries!!!



Euchar Sultana
Global Entrepreneurship Summit

Founder/CEO @ VaultSpot, Focused on creative thinking, user travel experience, inspirational leadership and team dynamics. I’m looking to meet new ppl. Say hi !