Meet GES Delegate: Monnick Cruz

Monnick Cruz
Global Entrepreneurship Summit
3 min readMay 26, 2016
Monnick Cruz ~ Founder/Purpose Keeper and Creative Director of Silent Beads

Name: Monnick Puriño-Cruz

Twitter handle: @briccreations

Country of Origin: Philippines

Organization Name: Silent Beads

Organization Website:

Brief Description of Organization

Silent Beads, founded on May 10, 2015 (5–10–15), is the First Plantable Jewelry in the Philippines. Our products are made from recycled paper to help eliminate trash, and embedded with seeds so that they will grow into plants when thrown away. This includes All-Purpose Craft Medium that helps local and international artists to “Go Green” using our Throw and Grow System (T.a.G.S.). Although relatively new in the industry, Silent Beads was featured on Philippine television via The Green Mind at LifeStyleTVPH. In July 2015, it was one of the Top 10 finalists at the PharmatonPH Life Changers Challenge.

What inspired you to start this organization?

Being a Fashion Jewelry Artist for eight years, I’ve encountered problems in disposing excess materials and worn out pieces. The same challenge is experienced by my clients, so with other designers. Looking at the bigger picture, global waste problem has been on the rise and we are yet to have a solid solution.

“It dawned on me that by using my God-given gifts, skills and strengths, I can make a difference in this field of my interest. Thus the birth of Silent Beads.”

What is the next big step you hope to help your organization reach?

The next big step for Silent Beads is to continue the initial prototyping processes and eventually start production. We aim to make the most of the crafting medium industry by way of achieving the look of man-made materials such as plastic, metal, wood, ceramic and polymer clay for our products using recyclable paper. It is our way of helping our planet to breathe by providing solutions in reducing global carbon footprint.

What has been your biggest obstacle as an entrepreneur?

Biggest obstacles are access to support systems and financing. Since Silent Beads is using a pioneering potential of the Throw and Grow System, technology on using recyclable and plantable materials has few and limited information references. Government agencies and the private sector have little or no available ready resource for our idea. Silent Beads needs intensive research and experimentation. As for funding, common financing set-ups require collaterals for business loans. Taxes for new ventures are the same as for the established ones. Start-up financing assistance is yet to be practiced and widely disseminated in our country.

What advice would you give other emerging entrepreneurs?

Be passionate and driven. Love what you are doing. Know the ropes and be a master of your craft. Build relationships. Build the right team. In your team, always play according to your strengths. It is also important to set the kind of culture you want for your business. And be ready for surprises along the way. Lastly, don’t forget to give back!



Monnick Cruz
Global Entrepreneurship Summit

Social Entrepreneur | Saves Mother Earth Twice | Fashion Jewelry Artist | Wearable Art Innovator