Meet the GES Delegate: Lama Sha’sha’a

Lama Sha'sha'a
Global Entrepreneurship Summit
4 min readJun 16, 2016

Name: Lama Sha’sha’a

Twitter handle: Lama Sha’sha’a

Country of Origin: Jordan

Brief Description of Organization:IRA-International Robotics Academy is one of the leading academies specialized in Robotics, Electronics and STEM that introduces a new concept of educating Robotics and STEM in Jordan, Middle East and MENA Countries.

IRA-International Robotics Academy offers:

A well designed program guiding children from 6–16 years old in a progressive learning path.

A long term vision of empowering children to invent, create, produce and more importantly invest in their time.

A professional team of engineers with extensive experience in teaching modern sciences through self experimentation and hands-on activities.

As technology become increasingly important in today’s world, it is invaluable to learn how to use technology solely, but furthermore to understand how to create it. Technology is the future and Today’s students are Tomorrow’s inventors.

By adopting Robotics and STEM at schools students will experience the essentials of becoming future technologists.

What inspired you to start this Organization?

Three years ago my husband and I took our children a trip to Dubai and while we were in one of the skyscrapers we got stuck at the 30th floor, because the lift didn’t work!!! travelling with four children might be challenging in such situations specially with twin toddler boys. When the maintenance crew arrived, they asked what we thought the problem was. Neither me nor my husband had a clear idea of what could it be, but my daughter immediately answered “I think there is a problem with the sensors”.

My husband and I were totally surprised that our second grade daughter knew what sensors are! she and her brother, who was in grade five back then, started bouncing ideas off each other about what might be the issue, and what was the best way to solve it. I had no idea they knew so much about technology!

At that time, my children had only attended a few courses at club they belonged to; there was no program available back then for kids to systematically train in technology.

Since that moment my husband and I thought there is an unmet educational need that we can cover. With a husband that believed in me and the savings we have for our children’s education a decision was made and IRA was established.

I was determined that I want to provide a chance for all children to be able to learn about technology and robotics.

“Every Child is a potential inventor or innovator”

What is the next big step you hope to help your Organization reach?

The next big step is to scale up the educational services we provide to cover more schools in Jordan, Middle East and MENA Countries.

Research shows that students who engaged in robotics and STEM where able to acquire life-skills such as: analytical thinking, problem solving, creativity, patience, time management, persistence and perseverance.

What has been your biggest obstacle as entrepreneurs?

In Emerging Markets and Developing Countries obstacles are in the bureaucratic governmental procedures. Lack of Ecosystems that pave the way for start-ups. In order to register a new business, academy or enterprise there are a lot of paper work that can be omitted, the lack of understanding new industries and how to be open to new technologies is another burden on entrepreneurs.

when we started I was faced with lots of challenges, the Ministry of Education refused to register IRA as an academic firm, and mentioned that they are not licencing new academies and schools at that time, so I immediately registered IRA as a limited liability company. In Tax Department there is no code for educating Robotics and STEM and therefore we add sales tax to our services regardless of the educational services that we provide and that it should be exempted.

Bringing in latest educational kits or technological equipment is also an obstacle since some of those need special licensing or prohibited due to security issues such as: 3D & 4D printers, Quadcopters and others.

Regardless of these obstacles we can create change. Although it takes a lot to raise awareness on the importance of Robotics and STEM, yet it is a pleasure to provide an eye-opening experience to students.

What advise would you give other emerging entrepreneurs?

Believe in what you do and enjoy doing it.

follow your passion only persistence and perseverance will get you through.

plan well and take calculated risks … it is always worth creating positive change.

