Nettra: Good advice in the big data era

Daniel Perciante
Global Entrepreneurship Summit
2 min readJun 22, 2016

Big data era is here, now. The Internet of Things (IoT) is rapidly growing and there are many solutions for real time data acquisition available.

We want to be part of that big data world and IoT so we have developed a monitoring system for distributed infrastructures. But we don’t want to be just one more big data company.

We know big data is important but the information embedded in that data is even more important.

There are many companies that supply data acquisition systems and store data in the cloud so that their clients can access it by means of an app or a web service. And many others develop automatic systems (AI, Machine learning, etc.) which can process the data to find hidden patterns within. Clearly, all this is very important.

At Nettra we strive to be different. We don’t only want to supply our customers with data or eventually help them discover the patterns within. We want to provide valuable information that will help them in their decision making processes.

This is why we developed Smart-Wells.

Water supply is critical in the food industry, in cattle raising (e.g. feedlot), agriculture, among others. Furthermore, knowing exactly how much water or energy are being used is very important, but generally of less concern. Therefore, being able to predict and prevent failures in the production process is what matters the most.

Together, groundwater experts and our team of engineers, developed a customizable solution for monitoring aquifers and water pumping systems using our general purpose remote monitoring system.

With Smart-Wells we create value by applying the knowledge and experience of these groundwater experts to the data collected, allowing our customers to actively manage their water wells and be more proactive. So not only they will know how much power the pump consumes at any given time, or what is the actual level of water in the well and its fluctuations during the pumping stages but much more.

We provide them with the ability to determine if the system is working properly or detect any malfunction. Even more, be able to anticipate future failures and thus recommend proactive maintenance. We can also predict how the aquifer is being affected and recommend corrective actions in order to preserve it.

Information is key.

Customers face the challenge of interpreting the data because groundwater and well management is not their field of expertise. So they do not actually need the data, but someone who can translate it into technical recommendations and timely information for good decision making.

Thus, in the big data era, we don’t just give data to our customers, but provide information and good advice. Let’s work together.



Daniel Perciante
Global Entrepreneurship Summit

CEO of Nettra. Professor and researcher at the Catholic University of Uruguay