Working With Entrepreneurs to Build Global Connectivity, One Community at a Time

Peggy Johnson
Global Entrepreneurship Summit
3 min readMay 24, 2016
Zaya Learning Labs’ “ClassCloud” hardware delivers high-quality education content via the cloud to students like Pooja, Ashwini and Bindu (pictured left to right) in low-income government schools like this one in Mumbai, India. The technology also collects data on student performance, helping teachers personalize lesson plans based on student needs. Photo courtesy of Zaya Learning Labs.

Next month, Microsoft will join entrepreneurs, investors and innovators from around the world as a proud sponsor of the 7th annual Global Entrepreneurship Summit (GES), hosted by President Obama in Silicon Valley. GES seeks to spotlight inspiring entrepreneurs who are building creative solutions to some of the most pressing challenges of our time.

At Microsoft, we know first-hand how passionate entrepreneurs can change the world. We believe that technology can empower everyone to achieve more. And for much of the world, it already has. You’re probably reading this on a laptop, tablet or smartphone, each connecting you to the incredible power of the Internet.

But for 4 billion people — more than half the world’s population — the benefits of digital technology remain out of reach.

In my role, I get to dream big about how to solve these kinds of challenges. And I’ve seen again and again over my career that often behind any lasting solution is an entrepreneur with the creativity and courage to take a risk on a big idea. It’s one reason why I’m so excited for the important conversations that GES will generate.

This past November, we announced the Affordable Access Initiative, one step Microsoft is taking to partner with the global community of entrepreneurs and help bridge the digital divide to bring affordable Internet access to underserved markets around the world. Taking what we’ve learned from our TV White Spaces work, we’ve seen how, for the first time, we have real, affordable solutions that truly bring the benefits of the Internet and computing to even the most remote communities.

The challenge is deploying these solutions, and then empowering people with the tools and information to make the most of them. But when you’re talking about an issue that affects 4 billion people, you can’t take a one-size-fits-all approach. Last-mile connectivity is a global challenge, but it requires local solutions.

We recently announced the first 12 entrepreneurial businesses that will receive our Affordable Access Initiative grants. With these grants, we’re partnering with local entrepreneurs across five continents, each of whom deeply understand the unique needs of their own communities, and are already delivering hardware, applications, connectivity, and power solutions to solve them. Our partners will receive seed funding, as well as range of resources, including mentorship and BizSpark tools like free software, services and tech support so they can scale up the great work they are already doing in their communities. You can learn more about our grant recipients through our website and video.

New Sun Road, a Microsoft Affordable Access Initiative partner, manufactures SolTrees, one component of a solar micro-grid power system that delivers reliable, affordable electricity and internet services to communities in Uganda. SolTrees also double as streetlights for nighttime safety in the community. Photo courtesy of New Sun Road.

Many challenges remain, but the opportunities are far greater. Together with these committed partners, our goal is to incentivize business and build an affordable, sustainable market that will not only have an impact today, but also in the years to come.

We look forward to continuing the conversation at GES next month.



Peggy Johnson
Global Entrepreneurship Summit

Lead Biz Dev for Microsoft. 4 dogs, 3 kids, 2 cats, 1 husband. I like to run.