A remarkable comeback for the euro

26 February 2014 — Czech President supports adoption of the euro ‘as soon as possible‘

Daniel Antal
Global Europe


Strasbourg, Feb. 26 (ČTK via Prague Post) — Czech President Miloš Zeman strongly supports the Czech Republic’s adoption of the single European currency “as soon as possible,” he said in his speech in the European Parliament (EP) today. He added that the euro is a stabilization factor of economic development.

The Czech Republic has been one of the most Eurosceptic countries in the European Union. Her former president prided himself for not signing the constitutional Lisbon Treaty and excluded to change the kuna to the world currency euro. In 2011 the Czech Republic together with Hungary did not endorse the Euro-Plus Pact that was aimed to save the currency they should have used that time.

While many people thought that the euro will fall apart, in fact more and more countries adopt it. There are two EU nations that have an opt-out, Denmark and the United Kingdom. Sweden keeps postponing the adoption seeminly perpetually while with the change in Prague there is one country that stands defiant in the face of its ratified obligation to use the currency: Hungary.



Daniel Antal
Global Europe

Co-founder of Reprex, a reproducible research company and member of the Dutch AI Coalition. Data scientist behind the screen, analogue photographer in the sun.