Russian lawmakers prepare ‘Anschluss‘ bill 

28 February 2014 — Russia’s lawmakers plan a bill that would make it easier for Russia to absorb foreign territories

Daniel Antal
Global Europe


In the wake of acts that seem to be a millitary invasion of the Crimean pennisula in Ukraine, Russia’s lawmakers appearantly prepare to annex foreign territories.

According to the Moscow Times, lawmakers are planning to submit a bill to the State Duma on Friday that would make it easier for Russia to absorb foreign territories. The bill proposes letting parts of other countries join Russia on the basis of a referendum or a decision made by the territory’s elected parliament. The day before the Crimean “parliament” voted in favor of holding a referendum on May 25 on whether to extend the region’s autonomy.

“The initiative is ready and will be submitted today,” A Just Russia member Mikhail Yemelyanov said, Interfax reported. “Since this is a national issue, all representatives from all factions are free to sign on to the bill.” Yemelyanov added that A Just Russia considers it necessary to preserve the territorial integrity of Ukraine.

Hat tip: @AndreiSoldatov



Daniel Antal
Global Europe

Co-founder of Reprex, a reproducible research company and member of the Dutch AI Coalition. Data scientist behind the screen, analogue photographer in the sun.