Breaking Free: Louise Andreasen’s Path to Debt-Free Living and Personal Fulfillment

Global Health Pioneers
Global Health Pioneers
5 min readJun 15, 2023


Her name is Louise Andreasen, she is from Denmark. She sits in her small cozy garden in North Zealand, while she talks about the past, present and future with stars in her eyes. She describes herself as Storyteller, digital nomad and hemp nerd. Something she never imagined when, 5 years ago, she said “Yes” to Network Marketing or “NWM” calls it.

But today, Louise and her husband live a dream life, having great freedom, both in Denmark and on the Spanish south coast, and it is all because of NWM and Liv Labs.

She first heard about NWM 8 years ago, when her mother and sister entered the Industry. She wasn’t a fan, she was so skeptical in her approach to their “nonsense”, so when they said they were making money, she laughed and asked if it was monopoly money… but over time she could see that they were actually successful with NWM. Her sister even quit her job and traveled the world to events, etc.

So after 3 years on the sidelines, she was “tender” as she calls it. At that time her mother and sister were switching to another company, and went from skin care to Hemp, and Louise could relate to that.

Her husband supported her and explained that it was an opportunity she had to say Yes to, and she did, but with a lot of reservations. She explained, among other things, that she would never participate in zooms, or write about her business on social media, or talk cbd with her friends.

But she took action, and after half a year, she earned enough for her husband to get the hemp oil for free, and after she completed her first year, she began earning real money. So you can say that her little Yes, with many reservations, really kicked off her development.

Louise has learned so much through working with NWM, and believes that it should be compulsory in school. She says, “ I have learned that, in order to work for my dream, I must take responsibility, be proactive and continuous.” Stopping is not in her DNA.Fa

Fast forward to today and Louise has learned from her experiences, and finally feels that she has landed exactly where she needs to be, where EVERYTHING feels just right.

Franklin, who is the great love of her life and soul mate for 17 years now, has also benefited from hemp. In 2018, he was in a particularly bad place, after several years with many challenges, he was burnt out. So the hemp came as a gift to them, and Louise says that he has cut 5–10 years off his age, and is today fitter than she has ever seen him, and she now has her husband back.

Together they live what many would describe as a dream life. Franklin has his own business, but his story about CBD is one of the most amazing stories, and despite Louise’s initial reluctance to participate in zooms and such, she is today one of the driving forces in spreading the word about Liv Labs and hemp. She is on zooms several times a week, and there Franklin is often brought on so he can share his amazing story.

Together they ooze love and togetherness and they have created their dream life. They always had adventure in their blood, but until she took action and control of her life, Louise never had the opportunity to experience.

For many years they have talked about staying in a warmer climate in the winter, as Danish winter is not really for them. And 3–4 years ago, life was chaotic, says Louise, both their fathers were terminally ill, and they saw their lives disintegrating. People around them, with wonderful plans for the future, were suddenly swept away. That’s when they made the decision that their lives should mean something.

So, they made the decision to not wait for retirement age but to start living the good life as soon as possible. They put a deadline on their dreams and started actively working towards it. And they saw their dreams beginning to come true around two years ago.

Louise talks about daily walks along the Mediterranean, how the Spaniards’ fantastic approach to life has taught her to be more present in the moment, that she has learned that if she wants to dance all day in the sun on the beach, she will do it, without wondering about tomorrow. Because it’s the present that counts, we don’t know what tomorrow will bring, so she’s stopped worrying about it.

Previously, she was dependent on showing up to work every day to earn her income. But today, she says, “I can sit on a beach in Spain and do my business, and afterwards take a dip in the beautiful blue Mediterranean, because I have the freedom to decide for myself where I want to be in the world.”

She can sit on her terrace and look out over the sea, where on some days you can look all the way over to the mountains in Africa and still work, as everything can be done from the mobile phone.

She has learned that being her own boss requires discipline, and she draws on all her previous experiences there. Louise says, “I seek to become a better version of myself daily, and I love to share my knowledge and hope with others.”

Louise has become a mentor to many and enjoys every minute of it. She says, “my approach is basically I don’t own much, I’ve downsized, and the fact that I don’t have the heavy luggage gives me freedom.” She laughs a little and exclaims “I don’t own an oven or a blender, but my life is filled with joy, love and beautiful sunsets!”

When Louise talks about the future, the concept of “Freedom and Happiness” is still at the top of her list. The freedom to live where she wants, the freedom to make good healthy choices, and the opportunity to spend her Sundays or any other day, dancing in the sun either on a beach on the Mediterranean, or in Denmark or any place in the world. She laughs, “I can work and play anywhere there is wi-fi!”



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