Being a Consultant in the Study Abroad Industry

Karla Fraser
Global Higher Education
6 min readApr 9, 2023


Expanding my Career Scope, Growth, and Development

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In December 2021, I got a phone call and had a conversation with the Institute for the International Education of Students (aka IES Abroad). A few days later, they hired Roseapple Global for consultancy services for the 2022 Spring semester. The contractual agreement turned into a full year-long client experience.

Furthermore, I was able to stretch my abilities and gain additional professional growth in the non-profit and study-abroad arena of education.

If you are not familiar with IES Abroad, let me provide an overview of our client. The organization was founded 70+ years ago and educated students to become global leaders through a study abroad program, a faculty-led experience, an internship, or another one of our international education offerings through the Study Abroad Foundation.

These worldwide experiential learning opportunities operate under the highest standards of academic quality in over 140 programs in 18 countries with 100+ global partners for roughly 8000+ students per year.

All IES Abroad programs have pre-departure planning, advising, on-site support, courses, field trips, housing, and more. IES Abroad students take courses at their local Centers, at partnership universities, and enjoy outside-of-the-classroom experiences such as optional internships, service learning placements, and course-related field trips.

Students are also prepared before their departure, and supported while onsite. They join the alumni after they depart their program, which also features its own post-program activities.

How did I get stretched?

Over the past 20 years in higher education, I have worked with international, exchange, and study abroad students, but typically on the receiving end. I was not in the direct seat where I assisted students in navigating the process of going abroad for their educational experience.

As the consultant to the Dean of the Student Office at IES Abroad, I am learning and executing the student affairs aspects of having thousands of students globally from a myriad of institutions.

I have spent the past year working with 6 Centers in 5 countries in what I would describe as a full-time interim capacity. I have been navigating the process in partnership with colleagues on what it takes to send students abroad, keep them there and have them return home safely but as a changed young adult.

During those 12 months, I have refamiliarized myself with the US Higher Education systems, policies, procedures, and processes. While such operational practices are never far from my thinking, I do not use many of these practices or need to abide by many standard policies like Cleary Reporting or FERPA when at institutions globally.

I have also re-sharpened my crisis management skills, especially in managing multiple significant incidents simultaneously and in different countries.

While I have managed a couple of serious incidents in the past ten years working in 5 countries, this was a rare occasion they were multiple and simultaneous. I was not rusty in my management and did not skip a beat in including key stakeholders.

Managing the return of students to studying abroad along COVID protocols had its challenges. Some of those included quarantine housing, medical support, supporting intermittent remote study, and helping students acquire meals/groceries through our onsite team took a lot of coordination.

Keeping students, staff, providers, and our community safe and healthy was top of mind for all. Another critical component was managing the increased mental health cases and supporting our onsite staff with adequate resources.

Karla and Roseapple Global have been outstanding in helping us (IES Abroad) through a difficult transition period in the wake of COVID-19 and the surge of students desiring international experiences.

Dr. Matthew Rader, Associate Vice President/Dean of Students, IES Abroad

My other experiences navigating the study abroad system included student housing concerns, non-Covid health matters, lost passports, concerned parents, and much more.

One of my highlights was developing and presenting staff training three times during the year on the topic of resilience for students and staff. I also worked and built relationships with various schools around the US as I had conversations with home institutions about their students on mental health, physical health, general well-being, and academics.

Relationship Matters

I am grateful for the relationships I have built with schools and the conversations with family members. While many conversations are not rosy, they are typically about an incident or concern; I take the challenge to resolve them even when the outcome might not be the one requested.

I certainly appreciate a parent’s concern when their child is a few thousand miles away, out of their sight and protection, and they are relying on our team. Being a seasoned expat who has lived in 11 countries and worked in higher education in six, I understand the trust that has been given to IES Abroad stateside and globally for the well-being of young adults.

Since I have never worked in a study abroad or global education office inside or outside the US, I have a newfound appreciation for my colleagues in these offices.

I appreciate all the details they manage concerning sending their students abroad. Additionally, I have tremendous respect for the centers, programs, and institutions that receive students globally throughout the year.

There is an extraordinary amount of planning and coordination to welcome students and ensure dynamic learning and growth experience. I genuinely hope our students understand and appreciate our teams’ efforts to ensure they integrate and have a well-rounded experience in the IES programs and the country.

Karla has been a skillful resource to our global team of student affairs professionals with her vast and varied knowledge base. Further, she understands today’s students and their needs, which has made a difference in the services we provide for our students, their parents, and their schools.

Dr. Matthew Rader, Associate Vice President/Dean of Students, IES Abroad

Now that I have spent a year working on the study abroad side of student affairs/services, I am pleased that Roseapple Global took on the opportunity to consult IES Abroad. As their consultant, it has been an experience unlike any other. I have definitely grown and increased my understanding of the study abroad field and Industry.

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Here are my four takeaways from the year:

  1. While parents/families are excited for their young adults to have a life-changing experience, they quietly worry that all goes well and that their children will learn, enjoy, explore, and grow.
  2. Home institutions do tremendous work to help students understand their choices, responsibility, and that the experience will be unlike their home campus.
  3. The IES Abroad staff globally seek every possible way to help students go, stay, learn, and thrive during their experience at one of their program locations in 18 countries.
  4. Living abroad and working in higher education globally were beneficial and assisted with my student affairs consultant role with IES Abroad.

You never know how you will get stretched in your career or when your new professional development opportunities will present themselves.

Be open to new opportunities in new places or organizations because you never know what skills you will develop or what they will lead you to in the next phase of your career.

I look forward to the opportunity to continue the consulting work of Roseapple Global at higher institutions or organizations that need help with their study abroad programs or any other aspects of the student-facing units.

Open for More Opportunities

So, taking my own advice, I am open to additional consulting in all aspects of student or academic affairs/administration expertise. I am particularly interested in globally located opportunities or those with a global component. I am available to accept short or longer-term consulting or interim opportunities. Hire me to help temporarily!

Lastly, if US institutions or organizations want to hire me full-time and allow me to work remotely from a mutually agreeable international location, I am ready. I will also accept a full-time international opportunity. I will move and reside in your country. Hire me to fill the gap permanently!

I am also ready and happy to serve our youth in education, no matter where they are located globally because that is my purpose. Serving includes but is not limited to presenting workshops and guest speaking. If it is educationally related, then it most likely aligns with all that I do every day.

Learn more about me and the consulting services we can partner on for your organization. Connect with me on LinkedIn or Instagram.

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Karla Fraser
Global Higher Education

I am a current expat writing about working and living globally using my career and expertise. | HigherEd Consultant | Expat Coach | CEO at Roseapple Global.