Global Impact & Seychelles Islands Launch

Yoanna Koleva
Global Impact Network
6 min readJun 3, 2021

What is The Global Impact Network?

The Global Impact Network empowers organisations such as businesses, schools and nonprofit organisations to become champions of sustainability.

Global Impact overshadows and outperforms existing social media platforms by showing that social networks can have a positive impact on not only individuals but the world in general by creating pragmatic approaches like no other social network, where you can:

  • share sustainable stories
  • take action
  • measure your impact
  • track global progress

As the marketing wing of Seychelles Tourism that coordinates activities to promote Seychelles’ profile as a tourism destination abroad, the Seychelles Tourism Board (STB) is one of those organisations on board being empowered to create its story and align its Corporate Social Responsibility strategy and decision making to the United Nations Sustainable Development goals — the essential framework for global progress.

The Global Framework

The United Nations set 17 global goals in 2015, now known as the “Sustainable Development Goals” or SDGs. They set these goals to be achieved by 2030, however, many people are still unaware of how to help and how much their actions are truly contributing to these goals because there is no way to track everyone’s actions.

The Global Impact Network invites you to contribute to the world’s most important movement that will chart the course of history for future generations; the global agenda set by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

The Seychelles Tourism Board has adopted 4 badges that the partners and visitors can use

1. Local Produce

2. Advocate Badge 3. Beach Clean ups 4. Tree Planter

Mission & Vision of STB through the Global Impact Network


Our vision is to use travel as a powerful tool for positive awareness and to give our partners and visitors the power to collectively solve the world’s toughest environmental, social and economic challenges by facilitating and praising positive impact, globally. Through G.I. Network, STB can become a corporation with a purpose and social intelligence by aiming to achieve successful sustainable strategies.


STB’s mission is to take tourism a step further. We want our visitors to have a profound experience of the Seychelles and to be personally transformed by the end of their trip. We want them to make an impact, a good one, by understanding and believing in our core values in making a global impact.

Our aim is to make our visitors become Seychelles ambassadors when they return to their home and, in order for that to happen, climate change has to make a true impact right here in the Seychelles.

As an island paradise, Seychelles is small in terms of the amount of visitors we receive but that number still exceeds our population. We can only begin to imagine the impact we could make if we could get each visitor, from diverse cultures and backgrounds to advocate for Seychelles when they get back to their home country. They can be the change-makers to represent us on a global level.

We hope our visitors will jump on board in experiencing the various activities involved with G.I. Network as it is an ideal platform for visitors to share impact stories of their visit and the individual impact they can make to offset their long haul flights getting here. We all have our place in the bigger picture.

Transform the visitor’s heart as they do something constructive and wonderful in Seychelles for its people and the planet. Make people love and change their habits to become a lifestyle.

It is time to take urgent action to tackle climate change. We can make a difference with our actions together now that we have the tool to measure our powerful impact. A change in our daily habits can have a powerful effect making a real difference when incorporated in our lifestyle, always keeping in mind of the positive outcome.

Be responsible and have fun simultaneously!

How Seychelles, Local Partners and Visitors can benefit from using G.I. Network
G.I. Network will help us to connect with the people and projects that matter to us and facilitates positive change for both nature and society. G.I. Network will provide us with the tools to be able to make sustainable choices, measure our impact and become a leader in sustainability by;

  • Analysing and assessing our current strengths and weaknesses
  • Providing solutions to our sustainability problems such as efficient business models innovation, impact investing, or
  • Employee volunteering and community engagement.
  • Marketing our created impact by directly reaching our audience through verifiable storytelling
  • Creating our Impact Portfolio and getting a global perspective on your impact
  • Creating immediate impact through Impact Events connected to our preferred sustainable cause. The clientele who are passionate about those causes are immediately reached and invited to join, donate, or learn more about the events we organise or sponsor.

How will it build our community?

  • It fosters a community of people who want to directly create impact, learn about progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals and connect with products and businesses who care and can help.
  • The impact you create is shared through transformational storytelling and directly reaches those who
    care and support our cause; turning a previously invisible effort into the center of our branding.

How do you become an Impact Citizen?

By taking sustainable actions.
Recycle, buy sustainable products,
help others, donate to good causes, and many more actions you can take!

By creating campaigns, hosting or attending impact events.
Attend a beach clean-up, make and purchase locally made goods or host your own tree-planting initiative. Invite friends to collaborate with you, share inspiring stories and learn from other citizens. With Global Impact you can measure your individual impact as well as the total impact created by an event or region.

By measuring your impact.
The actions you take and the events you attend will be measured. The total impact you create will be shown on your profile!

By being a Leader in a global community.
Global Impact facilitates the next generation of online users. Engage with like-minded people and other impact leaders
and get inspired to create positive change. Learn more about sustainable products, global progress, UN Sustainable Development Goals and organisations that are paving the way for a better future.

For visitors already in the country

Get involved — Download the app

The app will allow you to measure your actions through fun and achievable challenges about real-world issues. Designed as a race for good, you may contend for badges in your community, organisation, corporation, and country, allowing you to be a champion of sustainability.

Whatever gets measured, gets done.
Whatever gets rewarded gets repeated.
Whatever gets achieved, gets associated with one of the 17 Global Goals. Whatever gets achieved gets rewarded.

Click here to register:

Follow through these instructions:

NB: The above text has been provided by the Seychelles Tourism Board and is an interpretation of copyright provided by Global Impact Network Inc.



Yoanna Koleva
Global Impact Network

London-based international woman navigating through life one story at a time.