Indonesia’s Face of Bioconversion and Waste Reduction

Yoanna Koleva
Global Impact Network
3 min readOct 27, 2020

The fact is, the amount of household and organic trash, as well as industrial waste, are increasing tenfold daily. We are still experiencing limitations on participation in reducing environmental impacts on Earth through proper production and consumption patterns. This trend undoubtedly contributes to the overall community knowledge ignorance on how to overcome the problem and exacerbates existing issues.

Credit: Mitra Desa Indonesia




the conversion of one chemical compound, or one form of energy, into another by living organisms.

Hari Agustinus comes from Indonesia and is the CEO and Founder of Mitra Desa Indonesia — Mitra Desa Indonesia is a co-organization under the umbrella of the Cendekia Mitra Indonesia Foundation which aims at mutual progress through the promotion of Community Sustainable Integrated Farming. By facilitating actions through a community-building level chain of business, Mitra Desa believes that they can contribute to much more than just bioconversion.

Credit: Mitra Desa Indonesia

How is Bioconversion promoted?

1. Building community-scale chicken farms, fish farms, and Hydroponics Farming along with building black Soldier Fly Farms.

2. Providing garbage bins (containers) for households to put Maggot larva in as a means of bioconversion.

3. Encouraging the community to collect and process household trash and organics garbage.

4. Connecting industry (in this case it is the leather processing export industry) to the community for processing industrial waste with maggot larva.

5. Facilitating the community to create cooperative sustainable integrated farming management to handle the business.

6. Connecting the community to emerging and existing markets.

Speaking to Hari, he pointed out to Global Impact Network how seeing the behavioral change in the community’s mindset is inspiring, helping them to generate income and provide them with problem-solving ideas for the leather industrial waste, as this had been a problem for the industry for years.

“The community started to get familiar with reduce, reuse and recycle. For example, they modified plastic bottles which became plantation pots and started using them to plant vegetables.’

By simply showing up, we are the facilitators of bringing powerful change to existing behaviors. Because people watch, act, and learn accordingly.

In Indonesia there are at least 12 leather processing industries, not to mention hundreds of small scale processing industries. Each big industry produces up to 3000 kg of waste daily.

We are fascinated by Hari’s efforts to combat existing issues with waste production and his willingness to contribute to bioconversion with his organization and we are proud to announce Hari Agustinus as one of our First 100 Global Impact Ambassadors.

Credit: Mitra Desa Indonesia

You can find more about him on Instagram, just click here.

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Yoanna Koleva
Global Impact Network

London-based international woman navigating through life one story at a time.