Taking Action Through Poetry — Meet Megha Saharan

Yoanna Koleva
Global Impact Network
4 min readSep 25, 2020

Being able to put in words what you feel is already challenging enough, but when you also have to convey that emotion eloquently, there are only a few that can do it as good as Megha. When I sat down virtually to talk to her about Global Impact Network and the challenges we face we laughed, we cried, but most importantly — we made sure that we were making it matter and making it count.

Megha writes poetry and short stories with social impact behind them. She writes and speaks for several publications, including Global Peace Foundation India and Tears of Earth. Dear to her heart, apart from the strive to better our planet by taking care of it, is also SDG 5 — Gender Equality, and she frequently writes and speaks out about it.

Below you can read Megha’s poem “Cosmic Tree” which she describes as an honest attempt to exemplify the emotions of a tree, as her response against India’s EIA Draft 2020:


when the sun was blazing

and i was burning

i became a sweet shed

for the one earning

when squirrel and birds

come rest on me

they bring food from streets

and share with me

later we play

all so free

when the sun was setting

and children were sweating

i drop them fruit for eating

but later at night

the birds told me

my brother was cut down

in pieces

to the ground

the dam trees have to go, they bawled..

i couldn’t move

i couldn’t scream

but i cried

in vain

loaded with pain

and i was shamefaced

that everyone could see

i am a lonesome


tongue-tied tree..

did you feel my fear?

did you see my tears?

did my sob ring your ears?

i tasted a bitter storm

i heard the roaring clouds

with their indefinite form

underneath its sombre mood

carrying a hidden pain behind its roar

it was the costume they wore

cheers to this gloomy foggy night of a life, i yelped..

so with the winds

i dance


i dance

through pain..

i dance

to life

to its momentary bliss

and to the brother that i miss..

with the clouds

i cry

from my unseen eyes

i wish my brother the paradise

i wash off in its tears

all my sorrow

to a new tomorrow

to an acceptance

that help me grow

and as the wind blow

i go

i go with the flow..

early morning

with the sun rising

i see them jogging

a realization to which i am waking

and just wondering..

i breathe out

so you breathe

and i breathe in

what you excrete

today i see you wearing colorful masks

are you cutting my tribe out

to replace them with (oxygen) gas masks?

no, it’s not a favor

we live with the same mother

we are meant for one another

so folks, what is with the behavior?


Her touching words and kind heart shine through her work and that is why I wanted to ask Megha 5 interview-style questions about her desire to become a GIN Ambassador. She answered with a lot of conscious thought behind, but also with a lot of humor, heart, and soul.

Why do you care about the SDGs?
I care about it because I’m a woke citizen who strives to live for the service of humanity and Mama Earth.

Share your story: how have you created an impact in your community, school, company, or country?
I write short stories and slam poetry for the environment to spread awareness. I encourage and try to inspire family and friends by reusing/recycling things.

Megha Saharan

What is the most memorable moment you’ve had in regards to the Global Goals?
When I celebrated “Raksha Bandhan” (a Hindu fest) with nature as Nature Bandhan. It was an attempt of making a bond with the nature of mutual protection under the slogan Prakriti Rakshati Rakshataha, meaning, Nature protects those who protect her.

Could you give us daily examples of sustainable/positive actions you make?
On a daily basis, I’m conscious about how much water I use and I try to reuse the water for other secondary purposes. I save electricity on an individual level. And I use eco-friendly bikes to commute to nearby places.

Why are you well suited to become one of 100 of the world’s first Global Impact Citizens?

I feel I AM Environment. Being a hardcore nature lover I feel through its every emotion. I want to be of its service at every step I take. Besides, I am a Human/Animal/Environment Rights advocate and very assertive in my behavior related to these issues.

We are proud to announce Megha Saran as one of our First 100 Global Impact Ambassadors.

You can find more about Megha and Tears of the Earth on Instagram, just click here.

You can also find Global Impact Network on Instagram and join the movement with our fellow change-makers.

Join her and me by creating a positive impact, globally.

For more information contact info@globalimpact.world

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Yoanna Koleva
Global Impact Network

London-based international woman navigating through life one story at a time.